Single Faction Tournament | Off Meta/Meme Builds Only Chaos Dwarfs - Total War Warhammer 3

Published 2024-07-07

All Comments (21)
  • Hellcanons were worth it, but the one that you didn't throw was sitting on shattered 15% size units for a little under half of its ammo. You have to target switch with them every 3 or 4 shots to take big bites out of fresh units. Any shot on a full unit takes so much HP.
  • @cdtray3940
    Karanak needs his silence and turning off magic attacks aura changed into a contact effect. He's not meant to be a force multiplier in a blob fight but an assassin that jumps on wizards if they stray.
  • @DocLunarwind
    Any chance we will see a nearly all crabs vampire coast meme build? Shooting prometheans and Maybe Saltspite and big crabs or Lady C?
  • destroyers havent been good since launch, they need to function like a dread saurion given the size of their hitbox and cost. the deamonsmith heal could be better too considering how limited its targets are.
  • @CaptainLanky26
    Turin blue balling the French onion soup recipe had me like 😭😭😭
  • @MacKayVer40k
    I’m about to blunderBUSS 😩 -Turin 2024. Bahah
  • @Playaplaya18
    People guessing that Dreadquake value has some real Price is Right vibes. Channel your inner Bob Barker, brother!
  • @pjadtron9415
    Karanak seems a bit of a pain in the arse to fight with all his abilities, he's just a Lord sniping hero basically. I'm surprised those Cathay statues didn't kill him sooner, big monsters need to hit harder against infantry imo
  • @ttestagr
    As a puerto rican who has spent some time in CA, you need to come to the east coast to get good plantains or platanos as we call it. CA's restrictions on agriculture import make sure only the stunted small ones make it out there, and its never quite right. You need to be on the east coast to really get Caribbean cuisine done right.
  • @Anvilarm07
    Wow that last came with Khorne and HE ended so quickly. Another great tournament cast.
  • @Kvaak330
    lmao @ destroyer that's the kind of stuff I tune in for though!
  • As a high elf tabletop player from 2005... feels good to see my snooty boys pull this one off. Love your videos!
  • @irodwen
    that finals match feels like an early tapout
  • @ajstar8249
    Couldn’t catch the stream live but another great one, K’daai destroyer OP?
  • @galeforce21
    Nothing off meta about that first match Korne army, pretty much all meta build with op Valkia
  • Ok.. so how did i find this channel? Answer : ChatGPT got me here.
  • @dresse200687
    Turin, please report the detroyer to CA. Such a cool model, needs to be viable. That was just sad. A cost reduction on more elite units would also be welcome (no not 50 only)