72 Fire Alarm and all of the other alarms we ignore

Published 2024-06-28
72 Fire Alarm
I’m reminded of the nursery rhyme,
The boy cried there was a wolf in his vision,
But when the real wolf never appeared,
The boy’s friends learned not to listen.
That is where we are today,
With alarms both loud and soft,
We are conditioned to either ignore them all,
Or reach over and turn them all off.
When is last time you heard a car alarm,
In the Wal-Mart parking lot,
Did you think to call the police,
The answer I expect is NOT.
What about that last tornado warning,
Did you all gather under the bar,
To hear the radon gas detector buzz,
Or spot the check engine light in your car.
And when the fire alarm goes off at home,
It is plastic and looks like a toy,
You know it only needs new batteries,
And you fix it fast to stop the noise.
The only alarms that seem to work,
Are built with increasing irritation,
Like the check seatbelt light in your car,
That tests the limits of exasperation.
Here is a test, do you know,
What is your US Threat Level guess,
And what if that alarm goes off,
We will ignore it like all the rest.

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