Journey OST ♬ Complete Original Soundtrack

Published 2013-03-17
Official soundtrack from Journey by Austin Wintory.

Complete score with text commentary by Austin Wintory:
   • JOURNEY - Complete score with text co...  

01. Nascence 00:00
02. The Call 01:42
03. First Confluence 05:12
04. Second Confluence 06:47
05. Threshold 09:03
06. Third Confluence 15:01
07. The Road of Trials 16:35
08. Fourth Confluence 20:46
09. Temptations 21:47
10. Descent 25:55
11. Fifth Confluence 28:55
12. Atonement 29:44
13. Final Confluence 35:50
14. The Crossing 37:52
15. Reclamation 39:45
16. Nadir 41:54
17. Apotheosis 45:34
18. I Was Born For This 52:43

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All Comments (20)
  • Really is just one of those games where you wish you could play it for the first time over and over again
  • @beetay2732
    I need to say something; My first playthrough, I wasn't aware that this game was multiplayer. I thought the other journey'ers I was seeing were NPC's. Well, one of these "NPC's" joined me on my final ascent to the mountain top... We shared life force all the way up the mountain, back and force, trying to keep each other the life force shares dimmed out and faded, We both fell together... Slumped in the cold snow of the mountain, taking our last breaths. It was only later at the end credits I realized I had shared my final ascent with another real person.. It hit me, so hard that we made that final Journey together.. sharing the last of our life force together.. I...was speechless. As I write this, I'm getting a bit emotional just thinking about it.... I just need to say thank you to that mystery person.. If you're out there... Wherever you are.. I will always think of you when the game Journey gets mentioned. Thank you so much for sharing that great experience. Godspeed to you, wherever you are, and whatever you do. T_T
  • @nuclearhardt
    Journey, a Short Story I walked onwards, to the fallen star. My scarf fluttered behind me, not unlike a fish that wants to escape it's hook. But I merely readjusted it, and it's hope for freedom was lost. My eyes scanned the horizon for any Stone Demons. Nothing, except the persistent light of the fallen star. My feet were bare, and blistered. They sank through the rough sand, taking me closer to the holy mountain. My tribe had seen the glow of the star as it fell from the heavens. I was one of many travelers, but we all had one goal; to reach the fallen star. They gave me long robes and a small scrap of the Holy Scraf, saying it would guide me in my travels. They said we, the travelers, were the ushers of a golden age, free of the Stone Demons and the eternal drought on our land, blessed by the Holy Bird. I left the village, armed only with clothing and determination. The scarf. Woven with the feathers of the Holy Bird, it lent me it's power, and let me fly, taking me closer to the holy mountain. It's power did not last. And once more, I walked onwards, to the fallen star.
  • I swear, just the very first 3-5 sec really have a strong impact, you just know the rest of the following soundtrack is amazing and beyond. I really appreaciate mastepieces like these, so happy people like these still exist in this forsaken world of ours. 
  • @lavender_ji
    My favourite game. The graphics, the multiplayer mode, the music, it's a masterpiece. The 2 last soundtracks are the best in my opinion and I always cry like a baby when I listen to the OST or play the game.
  • @Jeffko78
    That last part of "Apotheosis", at around 50:45, when you finally arrive at the top and slowly walk into the light... Right in the feels, man. Right in them...
  • The best part about playing Journey was the interaction I got with strangers around the world.  I have received multiple messages after I played with other travelers. It always amazes me how far apart two people can live but be so connected in one simple game.  and the soundtrack and the visuals definitely made me a loyal fan to this game.
  • @durpddurke4633
    Everything about this game is beautiful to the point where some people's tears accidentally hit the dislike button.
  • @wolvezbyte7122 know it's good when It send's those "chills" down your spine.
  • @andyschramm5447
    Someone I cared about a lot told me to listen to this soundtrack.  Even after he stopped caring, I still cared, even if he didn't know it.  I constantly watch memories in my head and I remembered that he told me to listen to this, so I did, hoping he would remember me.
  • @dudeman1983
    A short story. I wasn't sure who I was, or where I had come from, but I knew the Mountain, and that was my goal. My story began as every story does; at the beginning, taking baby steps to my goal. I didn't dare venture far but, frankly, I didn't need to. At that time, the path was well laid out for me. The first time I met The Ancient, I learned what I suspected; that the Mountain was the goal of this, my Journey. My scarf short for now, wafted gently against my back. The Fallen Bridge stood ahead, and beyond, the Mountain loomed. Here, I think, I began to grow up. My path lay obvious in front of me, my goal beyond. And yet, despite this, I could explore. Scattered about the ravine, crossed by many bridges, were fragments of fallen Guardians. Old, dying Cloth fluttered from it in the gentle wind. The smaller ones, the Fish, waited inside, and helped me along when freed. They completed the bridge for me, aided me on my Journey. But then came the Desert. It was a time of joy and fun. It was a time of fear and aprehension. What came next? Over the next dune? In the next ruin? What do I do know? The Mountain was always there, always the goal. I would skip happily with the Cloth I came across, as Dolphins now, but also the small Fish. My Scarf grew longer, and now fluttered a distance behind me. Sometimes I found my self joyful and playful. Other times, I was terrified and small. Ocasionally, I questioned the Ancestor, even the Mountain. I met someone in the Desert. Who it was I cannot say, but they stayed with me until the end. Until the Mountain. Finally, across many miles of the Desert, we found the Sandstorm, a foundry for Guardians. The Ancestor met with both of us, and told more of the story of what came before. The City lay immensely before me. This was the highlight of the Journey, the staging ground for beyond. Here the Dolphins and Fish dipped playfully into the sand. Journeying. Just as we were. To the Mountain. To the End. Me and my companion had become good friends now, and we dared not stray too far from the other. Or Scarfs, longer now, flapped behind us in the rushing wind. This was the golden time of the Journey. The time when nothing was wrong, and we had everything we needed. Our path was clear. We knew what to do. And then that ended, and all was unknown. The Ancestor spoke more of the story, of the peace. And of the War. The Catacombs were always dark, and little light shone through. We found havens, and Cloth that hid. It hid from us. It hid from Others. Beyond was the Staging Grounds of the Guardians. They loomed, gathering dust and sand. But not all.of them were dead. These times were times of fear, of not knowing what would happen. The Journey might have failed, for we would be trapped. But there was still hope. The Temple saved us from the monsters behind. The Temple harbored our light, and protected it. We were safe there, with its aid. The Temple filled, first with the Light, then with the Cloth. Fish, Dolphins, Jellyfish, a Whale, all there, safe in the Temple. Finally, we reached the top. We learned that the future was already history. And that our Journey wasn't done. Great hardship was felt on the Mountain. The wind whipped, tearing our cloth, and the cold sapped our light. Many times, we had to huddle together to survive. Graves littered the slopes. Many other creatures were there. On the way to end their Journey. Too many never made it. The Mountains cold was unrelenting, and many froze in the ascent. Still others were cast down. Guardians patrolled the slopes, tearing apart those they found. The climb was hard. Many times, we were frozen, attacked, and had to hide in holes, or were simply blown away. But the Summit, oh, the Summit, the Journeys End, was to important. The storm blew everything away; Guardians, the Cloths. Only we were left going. We kept going And we kept going And we kept going Until we weren't. We fell into the snow. We were frozen through. We could barely move. We expected to die. The Ancestors stood about us, watching us. They lent us what light they had. And we flew. Past the storms, past the cold, past the machines that sought to consume us. We flew for the Summit. And then we were there. What a glorious place it was! Shining with warmth and light, overflowing with energy and life. We continued up. And we were there. We were at the he Mountains peak. We did not stop. Our destination is beyond Was beyond. Is here. We were here, at the End. And then we weren't anywhere. Rushing, rushing, rushing. Great wind all about. The Mountain behind, behind, behind. Going away. The Journey in reverse. Down the Mountain, the Temple, the City, the Desert, the Bridge. The sand littered with graves. Mine wasn't there. Mine was on the Mountain. From the End to the Beginning. The reverse of all stories. Yours, mine, the worlds. Beginning to End, and back again. Almost there, almost. No memory, only purpose, only will. The Journey lay ahead. I wasn't sure who I was, or where I had come from, but I knew the Mountain, and that was my goal.
  • @bobbyk9633
    This game is one of the best crafted games I have ever played hands down. The multiplayer system was amazing and the graphics stunning, but he greatest thing I have to say about this game is its soundtrack. There isn't an out of place song or even a pointless song it all just fits together like pieces of a puzzle
  • @jensax
    This game is one of the most beautifully designed and musically scored that I have played.  Kudos to you and your team.  Thank you.
  • @nayden5834
    I was born for this - Has to be one of the best tacks of all time.
  • @k.o.t.o.r.5119
    this music sounds like a journey to your soul, and discovering it's essence.
  • @vhlazz
    This game is a spiritual experience like no other I ever played before. Beautiful. Original.
  • @bradbailey5481
    This and Metroid Prime are the two most atmospheric games I've ever played. Both are beautiful and told without words.