1 in 4 girls...

Published 2017-01-11
1 in 4 girls will be assaulted in college, this isn't my story but it is me reacting to my feeling of vulnerability in the face of my disability. I am currently safe but I hate the feeling of not being able to defend myself.

All Comments (4)
  • @annedavis3340
    I was assaulted at college too. Your thought process is very /very/ normal for people who've been attacked before. I'm 5' and I feel incredibly vulnerable as well. My PTSD (diagnosed 18 years after I got it) doesn't help me either. I've been considering getting a SD because I miss being able to stand in the middle of a room or eat anywhere in a restaurant, or go to a store and focus on shopping instead of the feeling of someone sneaking up behind me. Right now I get so so panicked if I'm not sitting with my back to a wall at a restaurant, or in a booth. Having a dog who's watching for me would be so helpful, especially if it was a big dog. My boyfriend's parents have a dog who sits next to me and looks over my shoulder at people walking behind the couch I'm on and "alerts" if someone is coming closer and when Duchess is doing that I'm able to stop desperately listening for people coming up behind me. I remember when I was in college my paranoia rose significantly because of the 1 in 4 statistic about college. Sure enough I got raped during college. But it was by a boyfriend, not a stranger, like people seem to expect it's gonna be. One of the things that bothers me most is it's statistically more likely to be an acquaintance. :( Since that rape I've become homebound due to chronic pain--I'm getting checked for EDS next Wednesday. The thing KEEPING me from getting a SD is the fear I'd not be able to care for it. I have a hard time walking or standing, cause of joint pain and sciatica, and now the joints in my legs and hips are starting to sublux and dislocate, and I'm not sure I could walk a dog every time it needed a walk, etc. Pain keeps me from doing so much I wish I could do, and it's really frustrating sometimes. I don't know if you have PTSD but if you would like any coping techniques feel free to PM me or add me on facebook. You can private message me to ask for my facebook name.
  • @annedavis3340
    OMG no that is absolutely SO creepy of him! NOT ok. NOT ok.
  • @alexianew356
    Hey! I just wanted to reach out to you and say that I believe that your feelings are completely normal as you have already been hurt, so you are more cautious around other people in order to keep yourself safe. I do think that some people are genuinely concerned but I also know from past experiences that other people act all kind and innocent at first, then you learn you are just a charity case to them. I am a current college student and was in a wheelchair last year and there were many moments that I feared going outside of my dorm room especially at night when I would take my service dog out to go potty. I felt like I was an easy target and very vulnerable. In order to feel safer I always kept my phone by my side and carried pepper spray with me at all times. While that does not 100% prevent the problems that may occur it could help in some situations. I hope that your semester gets much better!