I learned to draw in ten minutes.

Published 2023-08-04
I was too busy to breathe. Then I found a simple way to fit drawing in no time at all. I'll show you how, no matter how insane your schedule is.

📘 You can get my book at www.dannygregory.com/books

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Want to learn to draw? I’ll teach you the way I taught 10,000 others. Sign up for my fun class, “How to Draw Without Talent,” at sketchbookskool.com/courses/how-to-draw-without-ta…

All Comments (21)
  • @jagibaba
    I don't think I can express well enough how much I enjoy your videos. It's not just the content, its the tone of your voice, the way you narrate, the cuts, the background of your room that is particularly stimulating and calming at the same time - all this and more manage to calm me down, encourage and inspire me every single time. And one little step after one little step I am leaning towards daily practice and away from the creative block that happened many many years ago. Thank you so much for what you do and how you do it.
  • @marypanich9880
    I always forget those lost minutes and how you can get lots of things done while those minutes tick by! Thanks for posting it!
  • @davehicklin6638
    I started keeping a small sketch book in my work van, each Lunch break sat in the van had my Lunch and started to sketch , been doing this for a month, its becoming an habit every day I sketch
  • @melissabridge5687
    I draw every morning at 6am before everyone in the house is up. I make my coffee, feed my Guinea pig and sit with my coffee and draw whatever comes to mind. I have a very zen morning. At work, I go to my car for lunch break, and draw again. Or finish what I was drawing that morning. My daily sketch book is a Hobonichi dated calendar in the English version. I love the crinkle of the paper. ❤ I do light washes of watercolor and ballpoint pen or micron pens. Sometime I use Faber- Castel Auqualle graphite pencils. This book goes everywhere with me. ❤❤❤
  • @FGBFGB-vt7tc
    I have as many consistency problems as anyone else, but my "cup of tea" is my cat that loves to get on my lap for a scratch behind the ears and a little modeling session... so my art is mainly cats in contorted poses seen from above. My draws still look like planarian flatworms with limbs though :yougotthis:
  • @spikepig76
    Hello Danny, I teach drawing at Thompson Rivers U in Kamloops, BC. I always share your videos with my students to inspire them to work in their sketchbooks. I always tell them the same message you do: the process and habits of a daily drawing practice are more important than what the results look like. I also have a copy of your book: The Creative License, and I show it to everyone who I think can benefit from it. Unlike most other drawing books, all the text is hand-written, which makes it much more fun to flip through!
  • @arcuda2001
    As someone who has at least a hundred or more sketches of my morning coffee cup, I absolutely agree !!! Your video " art before breakfast" is why i started that art habit .. I was restarting my art journey, after a 20 year hiatus due to life crises.. I haven't stopped in 7 years!!! You are an inspiration to me in countless ways, and I thank you many times over.. I've recommended your art before breakfast to at least ten of my artist buddies !!! thanks , Danny !! Norakag, here 😊
  • @ABirdWoman
    Stacking art into an existing habit.. brilliant! I used to do the Zentangle Method daily before I did anything else. It was my morning meditation. Then I started adding in listening to news (or reading it) and my Zen habit fell apart. This was a wonderful reminder to re-establish that art activity that brings me Zen in the morning to last the whole day.
  • @Artlostudio
    Hi Danny! Has being 2 years that I stop drawing and painting and since January of this year (2024) I started drawing during my lunch time everyday. I bring my sketchbook and colored pencils and I sketch a lot of stuff. In February I started drawing tea , coffee cups and pots because i love them! I can see my improvement! Last week I started with fruits. My plan is to practice all these elements to add them on kitchen scenes. Everyday I feel like excited to get into my lunch time and it’s not because I’m hungry 😂 but because I want to continue drawing! Thanks for all your videos! I’m watching them all during my commute to home! ❤
  • @sanjahrle4775
    This is lovely video; you are not just an artist but a great narrator. I’m 100% sold on this new habit.
  • YES! I decided to add art to my daily journaling last year. At the moment, I'm into comics and those silly figures are a delightful way to begin the day. Plus, reading back over the past months takes away the feel of "life racing by". Thanks for the video.
  • @Marjillu
    I'll try this for sure! Thanks for the idea!