How to Do the Galarian Bird CATCH TRICK!

Published 2022-10-08

All Comments (21)
  • @AlexisAmber97
    Him celebrating alone is me every time something exciting happens in my game . 😢
  • I tried this yesterday and was purposely missing the throw... only for the Galarian Zapdos to hop towards me and get hit by an Ultra Ball. And of course it ran.
  • @cameo8996
    Tried this at about my 6th legendary bird encounter. I am now the proud owner of a Galarian Articuno.
  • encountered a moltres a day before i saw the kruse ships video, it fled. not even joking, the day AFTER i watched the video, another spawned, i dropped all my normal pokeballs (i had like 16), swapped to ultra and caught it! 2536cp, im convinced it works
  • @merku2day
    I feel like every encounter should make it easier over time
  • @MannyG93
    I've tried this the last 2 days I've encounted a galarian bird Articuno & Moltres. Both ran so yeah not guaranteed but each did shake twice before running when normally they would break out immediately
  • @anikkhan4796
    Hey guys, I am so happy right now. This trick really works. I have come across over 2 dozen birds over the past couple of months. Always ran on me. Just this morning I came across this video and before getting ready for work, I prayed then stepped out for 15 mins (windy weather on the app, increase chance of encounter with a bird). I tried the trick, used a golden Razz, missed about 40-50 great balls, and then hit the ultra ball. I can proudly say PRAYING and this TRICK really worked!!! Attaching a photo for evidence! Thanks so much for creating this video. My favorite legendary is the Galarian Moltres, when I first encountered it over a year ago, I recall calling my younger brother and telling him how sad I was. I am so happy now! Please give this a try guys. It really works, remember, praying increases your chances as well. Prayed for a galarian (specifically a Moltres) and it worked! God is great!
  • So I feel like this should be reiterated so everyone is fully aware. The catch trick is NOT GUARANTEED, it is still pretty based on RNG. Remember, it's said that multiple misses on the pokemon only makes your catch rate a bit higher, it doesn't make your catches guaranteed catches. So if it doesn't work for you the first time, or a few times, it doesn't necessarily mean the trick doesn't work, RNG just wasn't in your favor for those attempts.
  • I'm an instructor for little pokeclub for children and 1 of our players have tried this 2 times and he has Moltres and Articuno. I'm so happy and proud this technique is somehow working. I'm waiting my bird to come to test it as well. Really can't wait. Our kid threw about 30 red balls and with golden berry and ultra ball bang captured.
  • Something similar to this works on raid bosses. The less balls you have, the more likely you are to catch it. But as opposed to the birds, raid bosses can’t run away unless you run out of balls completely, so you should always try to hit raid bosses
  • @dumpty
    I tried it like 2 weeks ago, threw 20 balls and didn’t catch galarian zapdos
  • @mayson212
    I just got my galarin zapdos best friend status. Caught him on my first encounter. Little did I know how hard he actually was to catch. I've had about 7 - 8 total encounters with the birds since then and lucky to get a single tick. Definitely trying that method next 🔥
  • Saw that video yesterday. Today i popped my incense, found a Zapdos, tried the trick and I captured it! 😁
  • I've tried this "trick" 4 times in the past 2 weeks and have only caught 1 out of the 4 birds I've encountered, which is better than none, but makes me think it ultimately comes down to RNG and luck.
  • @karla_doodles
    I randomly found a galarian moltres on my walk a couple weeks ago, and it obviously fled, but oh my gosh WHAT A RUSH. I’m so happy this dude caught his fancy bird.
  • @justinlewis1248
    I’ve caught 2 out of the 3 Galarian Birds. 1st one I caught was Articuno but I used the Master Ball on it to catch it, the 2nd one I caught was Moltres which happened just yesterday I ended up getting insanely lucky with the capture, gave it a Silver Pinap Berry used an Ultra Ball with a curveball (didn’t even get a nice throw or anything like that) but I ended up getting a critical capture on it which I definitely wasn’t expecting and I was very excited lol
  • @annakas
    I got my only Moltres this way. It was unintentionally used trick. I really am that bad of a thrower.
  • @dmase1976
    I got Zapdos- but not sure if this is what happened. I threw a great, it jumped, but didn't run. I then threw a terrible throw and caught it. I don't remember if I missed throws before the 2 catches though.
  • @JonathanNgHT
    Literally 1 hour after watching this video, I went on a walk and encountered moltres too. Threw 20+ Ultra balls. First throw was a Great and after two shakes it was still there. Second throw was a Nice and after two shakes, it fled. I think it increases the chances but it doesn't guarantee the catch.