I Got Played... - MindHawk's Challenge Gauntlet: Legacy of the Void - pt6

Published 2024-07-27

All Comments (21)
  • All these missions (except the last) are like any episode of Dr House: 1. A problem Grant encountered countless times but there's some crazy twist 2. "I know the solution!" 3. Mind hawk: Haha, not even close! 4. Grant figures out somehow anyway
  • @Warior4355
    See's doctor Hansen. "Oh, it is trash." I'm fucking dying.
  • @Roober-woober
    Very happy to see the increase in meme density. They're even littered all over the place
  • @domacleod
    Thing is you might actually need that solarite because of how tight Mindhawk's challenge gauntlet is. Extra build speed, extra supply, whatever - it's all going to make a huge difference (and by huge i mean give you like 2 seconds extra to win a mission)
  • @Kracsader
    the best part of this mission was when Amon said 'IT'S LITTERING' TIME' and littered all over Shakuras
  • @ChannelMiner
    Minerals can be exchanged for goods and services such as annihilators and zealots.
  • @titimtitim9465
    You forgot to take the second bonus, because you did it after the save, so you missed 5 easy solarite :(
  • @lonly_rider
    7:55 Tell us the cheese, we need it(for fun) and the modmakers will not circumvent the cheese if you pinky promise that you won't use it unless really necessary
  • @fumu776
    Every mindhawk challenge boils down to "oops! all zealots" and it's great, grant is forced to appreciate the stabby boys
  • @Ghooostie
    The comment about "solar lance being the problem solver 4000" really highlights what I think is the biggest problem with all these mods that up the difficulty. Even if/when they try to buff the other options, or nerf solar lance, as we see here, that doesn't really change things. It just means less uses of solar lance, but it's still just solar lance because the alternatives can't really compete. Funnily enough, increasing the cost of solar lance only makes it worse, since that's LESS incentive to use other abilities while it's on cooldown, since you'll need the energy for it.
  • @MrCMaccc
    How quickly those Stalkers got shredded I think is a good argument for the Zealot variants. That extra +1 shield/life armor can really make a difference. I think Centurion, Sentry and Annihilator is going to be a good composition for it's ability to tank in bursts as well as quickly remove big threats
  • @Ricardo_Rick
    You lost 10 solarite there actually, i think that might come back to bite you, especially considering we are talking about Mindhawk challenge
  • @inductivegrunt94
    Amon littered trash all over Shakuras, and we see Hanson on this mission. Yeah, Amon really did throw trash on Shakuras.
  • To LotV, its true that its feels like you are stuck on one base for very long, tho its not quite that bad if you look at the facts purely. You are stuck on one base for the entirety of Aiur. Skyshield you are on one base, Brothers in Arms you have two. Glacius can be two if you want to clear out the Taldarim. Shakuras is two on the first mission if you want to clear out the Zerg, two for the Temple Mission. Ulnar has two on the mission with the locks, and only one for the second macro mission. After that its two base by default (except the Purifier mission since those zergbases have little minerals and you get a bigger base at the start) sometimes as a natural, but mostly as something you need to clear out. - The issue with all of it is that some of the hardest missions are either some with only one base (LOOKING AT YOU, SPEAR OF ADUN!) or its so freaking inconvenient to get a second base, you might as well skip it and all of that combined with the time pressure on a lot of missions really skews the view overall. The campaign could have used some natural, easy to get, expansions.
  • @boomboy8104
    I find it quite funny that in every episode the secret solution is always, more or less, to just build Zealots.
  • @cranapple3367
    The Hansens are actually a hint that you need to mmmbop those void thrashers quickly.
  • @JinFreeks
    @4:46 - For whomever needs to hear Grants' pitch perfect Santa Clause impression. Have a nice day.
  • @Majstajlah
    Correct me if i'm wrong but, is it really necessary to do both objectives at once? I'm fairly certain you can have all the time in the world to clean bile after you kill all thrashers.