Alpha Male Steven Crowder DESTROYS Beta Male School Shooting Survivors (clip)

Published 2024-01-31
I don’t know Adam Klownzinger maybe he’s right maybe he didn’t go far enough maybe those kids SHOULD have died so that Steven could have 2 examples of a strong and kind teenage boy being senselessly murdered that he could paint as brave patriots for his boomer audience instead of just the 1

Well unfortunately for him that didn’t happen but thank Jesus Steven had a whole Iraq War that he could do the same exact thing for early in his career and then pretend years later that he is totes concerned about people like my dad dying in Iraq like he did and young men dying overseas in general

All Comments (3)
  • @AdamKlownzinger
    All of this isnt a problem though, because I’m just a soy boy wannabe tough guy who would never say these things to his face in real life (because every criticism is a call to physical violence) (btw im the leader of conservative commentary, the best and brightest the right has to offer)