ISS pass over IO90BS 4/4/24

Published 2024-04-04
I had my radio setup for monitoring packet on 145.825 from the ISS, but was amazed to hear the astronauts talking ! I dont understand Russian, maybe someone can translate in the comments ?

Also my packet did get into the ISS :)

Set up here is m2 Eggbeaters, IC9700 and Windows running Direwolf with UISS for messaging.
Frequency tracking for doppler is done using PCSAT32.
0L 2E0FWE-2-CQ,RS0ISS:=50.75662N/1.86431W-Hi from IO90BS :-)

Digipeater RS0ISS audio level = 15(8/4) NONE ___||||||
0.5 2E0FWE-2-CQ,RS0ISS*:=50.75662N/1.86431W-Hi from IO90BS :-)
Invalid character in latitude. Found '.' when expecting 0-5 for tens of minutes.
Invalid character in longitude. Found '/' when expecting 0 or 1 for hundreds of degrees.
Position, House (H=HF) (O = Op Present) w/overlay N
Hi from IO90BS :-)

All Comments (2)
  • I also heard them by chance, was just testing if I could hear myself on my home SDR and saw a signal, managed to hear an (i pressume) American astronaut. Was very interesting, thanks for sharing.