How to write the Korean alphabet from A to Z | Handwriting | Calligraphy

Published 2022-07-12
How to write the Korean alphabet from A to Z | Handwriting | Calligraphy

All Comments (21)
  • @ishaqimran133
    Your korean writing is soo beautiful , i like your writing . i am big fan of korean writing . 🥰🥰🥰🥰
  • I learned Korean thanks to you, the best teacher + Your handwriting is so beautiful, a million times better than mine 😂+ Thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • @ideuni
    i think it's better if you match korean letters to english rather than the other way because some letters (F, Q, V, X, Z) don't really exist in korean so here's a better way of transcribing it: ㄱ = g ㅇ = (no sound) / ng ㄴ = n ㅈ = j ㄷ = d ㅊ = ch ㄹ = l/r ㅋ = k ㅁ = m ㅌ = t ㅂ = b ㅍ = p ㅅ = s ㅎ = h ㅏ = a ㅗ = o ㅡ = eu ㅔ = e ㅑ = ya ㅛ = yo ㅣ = i ㅖ = ye ㅓ = eo ㅜ = u ㅐ = ae ㅕ = yeo ㅠ = yu ㅒ = yae ㅘ = wa, ㅙ = wae, ㅚ = oe, ㅝ = wo ㅞ = we, ㅟ = wi, ㅢ = ui
  • @ShimaJiro2205
    中学高校の時、アマチュア無線で韓国人と話すために朝鮮語覚えようとして、朝鮮語の辞書を探したのですが・・・北海道のド田舎なので大変でした。街一番の老舗本屋の高い所に辞書が置いてありましたですよ。(身長が足りなくて店員さんに取ってもらいました)でも、辞書見たって分かりゃしない。それでも、自分の名前をハングルで書けるくらいにはなりました。ちなみに今もたまに韓国人のバイトがいる居酒屋で「ウィデハンスリョン!キミルソン デーウォンスニム!マンセー!」(偉大な首領、金日成大元帥様万歳!)って叫んでからかったりしてます。「ビクッ!」っとしてこっちをガン見するんで、とっても面白いです!!www
  • @anakbahaavlog
    Even I'm not Korean, as I've learn hangeul, you can't directly sort hangeul into English letter. only half of it that correct,the rest is particularly wrong. Some of English word doesn't exist in Hangeul n you cannot that easily place it with other character. For beginner, please don't refer this
  • @Rain-qe2vd
    C,E,F,Q,R외 등등 이상하긴 하지만 글씨는 진짜 잘쓰시네요
  • @kimyongin1987
    You got almost half of them wrong. Some of them are not corresponded to Western alphabet at all, but rather uniquely Korean sounded, like ㅇor ieung which are not voiced before vowel but sounds as "ng" if it positioned after.
  • 좀 이상한 부분들이 있긴 하지만 글씨는 진짜 잘 쓰시는 듯...
  • Your Korean handwriting is very beautiful. I think you can make your own handwriting in Korean fonts later!
  • @sudbdnwiowkf
    韓国人です。あなたの字は極めて美しくて、格好良いです。 いつもいい映像をアップしてくださってありがとうございます。
  • @Phh7a
    Q: Do I have to write them like that? I mean the starting and ending points of the letter? 🥺
  • @feyalgand2785
    I try to learn hard this languange ♥️thank y for this lesson
  • @CrownedCarp
    A big correction: there are no real corresponding letters in hangul to the english ;anguage // no "solo" korean SINGLE letters that correspond to the English alphabet, it must be based on pronunciation such as "c" can sound like a fast "kuh" or literally "si", for the first kuh as in cat, u could use ㅋ while for "si" as in citrus u could use "시", but if we talk abt the "widely" accepted list it would be: A ㅏ(as in apple) B ㅂ (no definite pronounciation that corresponds to korean.. ㅂ sound is more on the middle, like a soft b but a stronger p) C ㅋ (sound based on "cat" bc c is not used, in hangul they use k or s as a substitute) D ㄷ/ㅌ E ㅔ/ㅐ (as in elephant) ㅣ(nice) F ㅂ/ㅍ G ㄱ (could also use ㅋ but it depends on placement in the word) H ㅎ I ㅣ (based on "illness") J ㅈ K ㅋ ( could also use ㄱ but again. Its based on placement in the word) L ㄹ (ㄹ is a softer r but stronger l) M ㅁ N ㄴ O ㅗ/ㅓ P ㅂ/ㅍ R ㄹ S ㅅ T ㄷ/ㅌ U ㅜ (as in "zoo", ㅗ sometimes can sound like ㅜ based on blending and accent) V ㅂ (closest thing, there is no v in Korean, just ㅂ or ㅍ) W ( there is no "solo" letter w, it must be paired with other vowels, like "wa" = 와 or "we" or "wi" (sometimes "ui" = 의 ) X (no letter for x bc no x in korean, we can only say it as word type like 에쿠스 (ekusu) Y (no single letter, must be used with another vowel like 야 = ya or 유 = yu/yoo) Z (no z, we use ㅈ as a substitute like 치주 (chiju/cheese) OVERALL: it depends on the pronunciation, double consonants fr sound the same as the normal counterparts when we just use it with a placeholder
  • @Mmky051
    Hi sir. ❤ Testo malai surudekhi se padhane Bala video chahinchha
  • いろんな言葉を教えてくれてありがとうございます。生活にも役立つと思います!