Why Do We Gossip? | Man on the Street

Published 2014-07-17
We all gossip, but why? Do we do it to feel better about ourselves? SoulPancake hit the streets to talk to strangers about why, and when, we gossip.
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Video by Katie Wise and Nicole Villela

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All Comments (21)
  • @al3x26
    Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.
  • @carrieljp
    Gossip feels so good in the moment, but when I walk away from it, it's like my stomach is filled with rocks. I absolutely hate the gossip hangover and I'd love to abstain completely from the cancer forever! So much easier said than done...
  • @harjashow
    I can't believe sam pepper just tweeted this video... just when he's being accused of raping a girl and sexually harassing/abusing girls. He's basically attempting to discredit those claims by dismissing it as "gossip".  this is what happens when you have a deep lack of respect for your viewers and followers, it's like he thinks we're all very very stupid. disgusted. 
  • @erickkimani8344
    "people gossip because they're more focused on what's outside of them rather than what's inside... the ego loves drama, so the ego creates drama and focuses on drama so it doesn't have to feel it's own pain" i like that point
  • @AndrewProTV
    Gossip = saying behind their back what you’d never say to their face. Flattery = saying to their face what you’d never say behind their back
  • @KunoichiN3rd
    Gossip is like a poison. It eats and eats away at a person's insides until they have nothing left. It brings about nothing but negativity and pain. It's just not worth it. I try not to even be around when people gossip. It makes me angry and sad for whoever they're talking about, even if those things are true. Grrrr. Hate it!!
  • @SweetasSugar42
    Gossip ruined my reputation and demolished my courage and self esteem.
  • When we hear something we find interesting about somebody we want to share it with other people, to see their reactions. We want to compare and learn. It's a way to know what's going on with people. Not all gossip has to be bad. It's just a way of expressing our thoughts and getting others opinions on it. When you gossip to be nasty, is when it's a problem.
  • @MuraGX
    That old man has the "anti-hitler" stache
  • @Evija3000
    I like the advice I heard somewhere. Turn your gossip into prayers. Like, if you see something that you think is wrong with a person or his/her actions, pray for them aka be concerned, not mean about it.
  • @Nanotskii
    I have an acquaintance who gossips and spreads things all over school, basically gossiping about everyone then acting nice to them, lying and putting others down (secretly) for some reason. I am one of her victims. And she used to be my closest friend. Like the old man in the video, her gossip ruined what had seemed like a friendship. It hurt my self-esteem and confidence. It changed how I look at people- now I don't trust even the closest people around me... That's why my motto is now "You can't fix yourself by breaking someone else."
  • I think there is a fine line between gossiping and talking about our lives and opinions. It is near impossible to tell someone how your day was or about your problems without talking about another person or your opinion of their actions. That type of "gossip" I think is okay and is an almost necessary part of conversation. But when you start stretching the truth and/or lying about people, it becomes hurtful and unnecessary
  • Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people. I don't complete agree with this but I think, there is some truth to it.
  • @m.a.d.m.5425
    I've been brought up not to gossip, I never have, I hope I won't all through my life. I've been gossiped about many many times for varying reasons and none which were true misleading people of the truth causing a result in sadness for everyone. Gossiping can be relieving, but gossip also could be used for good. Gossip about happiness, same format and structure but a different use.
  • @AwkwardFunk95
    I think, in my social circles at least, it's about boredom. We get bored with our own lives. Not unhappy, just bored, and what happens with other people can often seem so much more exciting. We don't have the drama that they have, which we forget is actually a very good thing, but it fascinates us and we feel exciting to have something to share with our friends, making us just that little bit more exciting.
  • @sharkinfested
    Everyone draws conclusions and forms opinions about everything and everyone we encounter.  Sometimes it's taboo - like talking about a friend, sometimes it's encouraged like putting a comment section under a video. Gossip is the perception of the person being talked about.
  • @MiamiGirl
    The talent u guys have to create such inspiring and thoughtful pieces makes me happy and lucky to have found you. 😊