Channeled Message For Contributors/Creators (regarding your content) - Taja Karner

Published 2021-01-25

Hey everyone, I've decided that it's time to open my channel - publically. And by channel I mean - my higher self & guides have messages for us that need to be delivered. You see.. I’ve been channeling since I was 12. I had my “imaginary friend” that I would ask for help and the answers were delivered through hand-writing. I was channeling answers that were beyond what my mind could come up with at times and I always burned what I wrote since I was scared anyone would find it (it saddens me now to not have the writtings). For the past few years, it’s been such a natural thing that can happen literally anytime in a form of hearing, seeing, or thinking.The message that I'm sharing today is for every creator that is committed to sharing authentic and genuine content/art with the world. This is the download that I've received lately and I needed to pass it on. Enjoy, Taja

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