Raspberry Pi GPIO Tutorial: The Basics Explained

Published 2015-09-09
This Raspberry Pi GIO tutorial takes you through a lot of the basics of the GPIO pins and what you can do with them

Full Guide: pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-gpio/

As you may know the general purpose input and output pins (GPIO) are used to communicate with other circuity. This includes thing such as extension boars, circuits, and much more. You can do some pretty cool stuff with them.

You should beware that playing around with the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins wrongly can result in destroying the Pi. The best way to avoid this is to double check that whatever you’re plugging in will be supported by the Pi.

In the little small circuit, I use in the Raspberry Pi GPIO tutorial I use the following equipment.

• 1 100-ohm resistor
• 1x Red LED
• GPIO Breakout Kit Assembled
• Breadboard
• Breadboard Wire/Jumper Cables

There is quite a bit of terminology around these pins but be sure to not let this turn you off from using them. We go into the terminology a little in the video but if you need more information be sure to look up some of the terms I used.

In the video we display a Raspberry Pi GPIO pinout diagram. If you would like this to use for future reference, then be sure head over the guide. You can find the link above.

We will be looking at doing many projects using the GPIO pins in the future. This includes stuff such as home automation! This is something I know a lot of people have been asking about.

I hope you have enjoyed this video on the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins. If you have any questions, feedback or anything else feel free to drop us a comment below. Also be sure to subscribe so you can stay up to date with all our latest Raspberry Pi projects, guides and much more.

All Comments (21)
  • @world7452
    Just a reminder, to activate I2C you have to go under Interfacing Options in the latest versions of Raspian.
  • @niler3019
    Thank you for this, The beginning - information about the different type of I/O was really helpful!!
  • @idolkidd
    This was great. To the point and very helpful. Thanks!!
  • @taotechnique
    Great video. I am new to the world of Pi, and your video really helped me navigate this board. Thank you for taking the time to make this video
  • @hal9000svk
    I thought only 3v3 and 5v pins provide power and GPIO pins only close or open the circuit (like relay) or read signals. I am confused. Why you not need external power source to turn this LED on with pin 7 (GPIO 4)?
  • @antonnym214
    THANK YOU. Very nicely presented for a beginner like me. I'm old-school software (Z-80 and 8080 Assembly), so this is nice for me to see how to use the breadboard. Too many of the videos assume I know something about that! You did great. I subscribed immediately.
  • Awesome bringing GPIO to my channel slowly but surely I love what you can do with these devices it is so mind blowing I love it so much !!!
  • @Kameratzas
    Hi there, thank you for the tutorial! I was wondering if you have any projects that involve using a small screen attached via the GPIO ports? I am making the plans for a mini video console and retropie, but I would like to have a small screen working through the GPIO ports like the C-Berry. Thanks!
  • @danielc4267
    Great video and explanation. Keep it up! I noticed a lot of people whining about your voice. Pay them no heed. The voice does sound somewhat unusual, but it doesn't affect the clarity of the content. I clicked this video to learn, not to be entertained.
  • @JohnWayne99999a
    Can I use the ribbon cable to connect a 3.5" display instead of connecting it directly to the gpio pins?
  • 3:37 neat, I was able to set up the pi to stop auto logging in on bootup. I always wondered about that because in CENTOS and Redhat systems I've used, there has always been either a login prompt (non-gui), or log in screen (gnome desktop).
  • Hello I would like to setup a tally reception information from a video switcher and then use the raspberry pi to redistribute the tally information and from time to time play with the pin out of my gpo's....Do you think it's possible ? Thanks.
  • @yoshiyolo
    tx that video was very helpful im a so so coder and i didnt even now what they did till now
  • @toddcoello6461
    this might be a dumb question but what is that charactoer you are using in between grep? the vert line. Also what I am doing is trying to install a power button which I have done but was wondering about a fan and I have the adafruit battery thing for my pi 4 and now I am running into a pin issue. I need more 5v ones. lol
  • Can you please make a video on displaying text and incorporation GUI in OLED 128x128 using the Raspberry pi Zero.