The Wounds That Won't Heal | Detransitioner Chloe Cole | EP 319

Published 2023-01-02
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with 18 year old de-transitioner Chloe Cole. Chloe was indoctrinated, affirmed, and set on an irreparable path at the age of 15, and now finds herself abandoned by the community and the doctors that lead her over the edge.

Chloe Cole is an 18-year-old de-transitioner from The Central Valley of California. She started her transition at 12 years old, puberty blockers and testosterone at 13, and had a double mastectomy at 15 years old. She is now a strong advocate against gender ideology.

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- Chapters -

(0:00) Coming Up
(1:00) Chloe's story, the beginning
(1:57) Early puberty, negative emotion across gender
(7:24) On the spectrum, the tomboy
(9:00) Puberty, expectations and the shock of reality
(10:35) Manifestations of negative emotion
(14:30) Gender dysphoria, key traits
(16:30) Ken Sucker, leaving kids alone
(18:00) Homosexual attraction
(21:30) Mentality, creativity, early interests
(25:00) Image orientation, social media
(27:00) Feminist ideology, the dread of womanhood
(30:00) Negative emotion levels, societal hierarchies
(32:50) Burying maternal instinct, the non-binary wave
(35:10) Lacking community, the draw of LGBT+
(38:48) Alternative pathways, therapy and deception
(42:00) How therapy is supposed to work, the three questions
(47:30) So-called therapy, affirming care
(51:00) Flat out lies, “less than 3 percent regret rates”
(53:00) Parents coerced
(55:05) Speedy approvals for affirming procedures
(57:08) Mentality through transition, 8th grade
(1:00:00) Radical change over practical steps
(1:03:50) Fractured sense of self, sexualization
(1:06:00) Autogynephilia, fact of the fantasy
(1:10:15) Androgens, testosterone, porn addiction
(1:12:00) Complete disorientation, online dating
(1:14:00) Effects over time, mental and physical effects
(1:15:25) 15 years old, sexual assault, re-affirming
(1:19:45) Chest binders, further steps towards the edge
(1:21:00) Double mastectomy, “part of the process”
(1:24:25) Suicide, medication and intense depression
(1:27:00) Flocking toward surgery, pushed across age groups
(1:28:50) Breast deformity, justification and denial
(1:30:00) Sexualization by doctors
(1:33:00) Removal of stitches, aftermath and horror
(1:35:00) Regrowing nerve endings, mismatched feeling
(1:36:10) Return of feminine characteristics
(1:39:00) Tiffany fields, crucial contact
(1:40:35) Regret, shame, the illusion breaks
(1:44:00) 16, desire for motherhood
(1:46:00) Play, chimpanzees and comparable gender affiliation
(1:49:00) De-transitioning, lack of guidance
(1:51:45) Hypocrisy in patient-led treatment
(1:52:30) When the community turns on you
(1:54:40) Core of Chloe's claim, malpractice and negligence
(1:57:30) Lasting complications
(2:00:00) The legal front, upcoming battle


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Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life:
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Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief:

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All Comments (21)
  • Everyone who is able to come to their senses and seeks to "de-transition" back to their actual gender should be supported fully by each and every one of us.
  • Seeing her tear up and ask, "How was I supposed to know?" Absolutely crushed me. She was taken advantage of corrupt doctors who put dollar signs before a girl's mental health. It makes my heart sink that this is being done to more young children.
  • @pmartin6086
    I love that he validates her experiences and explains how she SHOULD HAVE been treated. That is SO important for trauma survivors.
  • Can we all appreciate how well-spoken and articulate and brave this young woman is?
  • @Ps139K
    I'm only 30 minutes in this interview and I can't stop thinking about lunatics trying to take away Jordan Peterson's clinical licence. This man is whole world's treasure, so caring and focused on the person he's talking to. Such a noble man! Thank you, Mr. Peterson!
  • @tMena45888
    I still don't hear today adults recognizing how dangerous the influence of social media is to young adults that have not experience life and haven't been able to develop a thick skin
  • @chrisxavier1848
    Almighty God bless her for having the courage to go public; her testimony will literally save lives.
  • @knekki.
    I'm a detransitioned woman myself. I find that every story I hear about other women in my situation, is like a broken record playing my life story over and over. I'm so glad that mental healthcare professionals are seeing this pattern and shedding real, objective light on it. I developed gender/body dysphoria in early puberty, and the psychological distress would increase parallell to my body development as puberty progressed. At the age of 12/13 I concluded that I was trans and wanted to be a boy, and at 18 I changed my name and got on testosterone for three years, during this time I also had a double mastectomy. In 2020, after 3 years of body-altering hormones and 1 year post-breast removal, it finally dawned on me that this was not what I wanted or needed in life and I began to detransition. Having to announce this to everyone in my life was stressful, I couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed of myself- the idiot who had loudly proclaimed for several years that "I am a trans man, this is my truth". So there I was, at the end of my transition, masculinized and flat chested. My voice was undeniably male, facial hair, body hair, masculine distribution of fat and muscle from top to toe. For two whole years after I got off hormones, I was too physcially masculine to pass as a woman and everyone perceived me as a boy in a dress. It was shameful, frightening and disheartening not being able to blend in with my own sex. I felt like the testosterone had done far too much damage, I thought there was no coming back from this terrible mistake. I didn't want to be seen or heard, I wanted to disappear in my regret and despair. Only in the last year and a half am I finally being read as a woman again by strangers, I think my body just needed time to readjust. . Surprisingly, I never received backlash for undoing my transition. I think my family was quite relieved to have me back to my normal self. Despite coming from a non-religious background; I found peace and hope in the christian faith during the worst days of my detransition. I was unable to forgive myself, or love myself, for what I'd done to my body and for the stress I had put my loved ones through when I transitioned. But if God can forgive me and love me regardless, then I can consider my suffering atonement enough, I forgive myself finally and move on. Estrogen, time and patience helped me reclaim my femininity. I've done some voice training to help me sound less masculine. I'm still undergoing painful hair removal laser therapy but I think I'll be finished by the end of this year. I feel young and sweet and radiant again. I'm happily engaged to a wonderful man, and I've found ways to reconcile with my past choices. I know I am very lucky to have come out the other side of this as a happier, stronger person - I know several people in the detrans community who still anguish over their situation many many years after detransitioning. We have to speak up about this growing epidemic, and learn how to deal with gender dysphoria properly. I wouldn't wish this journey on anyone.
  • @tomquinn607
    Chloe shows a healthy respect for herself by suing the "professionals" who mutilated her at 15 years old. And her action may save many others from this horror that no child should go through.
  • @Kay-lc4ku
    I'm halfway into this interview & I have to say Chloe is a precious, articulate, polite & endearingly reserved soul. I'm sorry the system failed you & am genuinely happy you have figured some of these issues out & are more confident to tackle life. I wish you well, Chloe ♡ Edit after finishing the interview : The amount of negligence, pain, trauma, confusion, mutilation & sheer corruption of the mind this young woman had to go through at such a young age is absolutely terrifying & appalling. The emotional blackmail her parents were subjected to is also shocking. I want to give you an immense hug, Chloe. I can't begin to imagine how scarred you are & yet you are speaking up. I wish you well & the best of luck in suing every single one of those who abused your trust & let you fend for yourself when you were no longer profitable. Shame on them !! Please, do try to seek therapy in order to process all of this. Much love to you all the way from Spain ❤❤
  • @justmariakick
    This is so gut wrenching to watch, as a teen I was exactly like chloe, to the point of coming out to a couple of friends as trans, creating social media profiles where I presented as a boy, binding my chest, only ever cutting my hair short and so on. My only difference is I never came out to my parents as I knew they wouldn't support me, and therefore was never able to get medicated or even remotely close to having that surgery. But just like her, at around 16, I realized that that gender indentity was not for me and that I was indeed a woman, just more masculine then some, but had I had different parents, had I been affirmed by medical profesionals at that age, had I been socially incentivized to go through it, I 100% would've, and that is a scary thought, I was a confused and insecure teen, easily convinced by the internet and my peers, desperately seeking acceptance and some form of happiness with how I looked, I thought that being a man would "fix everything" I'd be more handsome as a man than I was pretty as a woman, I'd be stronger, more athletic, I'd be able to wear masculine clothes without judgement, get attention from the girls I was into at the time, not have to suffer through the "horrible reality of being a woman", this could've been me, and I'm so glad it didn't turn out like that.
  • I watched this through my therapist lens and I've determined: he's incredibly tender, patient, and empathic with his clients. He carefully listens to her tone changing during traumatic recalling and he doesn't miss a note. I know he has become many things, but he's a clinical psychologist at his core.
  • Imagine having gone through all of this, then getting a 2-hour interview. You remain emotionally stable while reminiscing EVERYTHING and then hearing what should have been done instead. You remain articulate in a way that is impressive for an 18yo anyhow. You say you are hopeful for the future. AND you somehow find the energy to change society by suing those who wronged you. Strongest, most resilient kid ever. Awe-inspiring to me, personally. Edit: It´s heart-warming to see a supportive and respectable comment section developing! Keep it up.
  • @ambition112
    0:00: 😔 Chloe Cole, an 18-year-old who detransitioned, shares her experience of starting medical transition at a young age and the emotional distress it caused. 11:09: 👩‍🔬 The conversation discusses the factors that may have contributed to X's gender dysphoria, including her late diagnosis of autism and her difficulty in communicating with girls due to her interest in things rather than people. 22:20: 😔 A young woman's struggles with body image and societal expectations led her to question her gender identity. 33:00: 🔍 The individual became attracted to the idea of a non-binary identity after seeing others on Instagram who had similar struggles and received support. 43:21: 👩‍⚕ The therapy process did not provide any utility and the therapist did not explore the full picture of the individual's mental health or address their concerns. 52:34: 😔 The speaker shares their experience of being coerced into transitioning and the misinformation they were given by medical professionals. 1:03:28: 👥 The individual discusses their experience with gender transition, including the limitations and complications of physiological transformation. 1:13:31: 😔 X shares their experience of taking androgens, developing an addiction to porn, and struggling with their body and sexuality. 1:24:03: 😔 X, a young woman, underwent radical surgery without proper evaluation or consideration of her mental health, leading to negative consequences and feelings of insecurity. 1:34:14: 😢 The speaker reflects on their gender transition surgery, feeling happy initially but later realizing the loss of their breasts and the impact on their ability to have children. 1:45:59: 😔 The speaker regrets their transition and decided to detransition after realizing they wanted to have children. 1:55:23: 😔 Chloe discusses her decision to take legal action against her healthcare providers and the harm she experienced due to transitioning as a child. 2:06:41: 💡 The speaker believes that the tide is turning against woke nonsense and medical professionals involved in controversial practices may face legal consequences. Rec
  • @cobbleup
    It’s unconscionable that this beautiful, normal child was mutilated for absolutely no reason. It brought me to tears. Thanks to both of you for mustering the courage to bring this to light. Hopefully many other innocent young ones will be saved from this tragic outcome.
  • Hard to believe the collage of psychologist are trying to take his license. While letting the doctors do what they did to this child. What a brave girl. Breaks my heart.
  • My 15 year old daughter has just sat and watched this with me. She just said all young girls should see this to help them understand how they feel when they're young.
  • @tywanasutton1640
    Dr. Jordan is a true gift. The care and compassion he speaks with is incredibly thoughtful and loving. I appreciate him so much.
  • @jamesd5761
    And this is why I hate it when people who question the ethics of transitioning are demonised as insensitive assh*les. Everyone should watch this