Feeling Lost in Your 20s

Published 2023-04-17
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Are you feeling lost and uncertain about your path in life?
You're not alone.

I know how challenging this time can be, as I'm going through it myself.
It feels like everyone around you has it all figured out, while you're stuck in a rut without a clear purpose, waiting for days to go by.

In this video, I share my personal journey of general confusion in this period of life, trying to understand the reasons behind it and seeking ways to overcome the overwhelming sensations.

But this isn't just about my journey - it's about yours too.
Whether you're feeling lost in your career, relationships, or just life in general - here are some ideas to shift your mindset for a more hopeful tomorrow.


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All Comments (21)
  • @byrolands
    Hey everyone! :) First of all, a huge thank you for taking the time off your day to watch this video, it truly means a lot! <3 I never expected such a positive response, especially on my first upload. The comment section here is such an uplifting and empowering place - I've read every single one of your comments and I felt a sense of relief, comfort and inspiration. As I've come to find out - we're all lost in one way or another, each and every one of us. It's completely normal, no matter our age! There will always be uncertainty and things to stress about. Instead of letting it overwhelm us, we have to accept it, embrace it and move forward. Don't stop exploring, learn to love and accept yourself as you are and, most importantly, don't forget to enjoy the journey! Much love and new content on the way! <3
  • @darioraph6802
    Turning 23, It seems people born in the year 2000-2003 are feeling the same way. We are the first children of the internet, The people that built this current society and now in our 20's we are being the active builders. Let's not get lost my sweet internet generation. We will find ourselves in this sea of opportunity.
  • @Alejanni
    I think no one talks enough about how good the cinematic is in this video, every scene felt like I was watching a movie.
  • @brunoferrum1060
    At 29 I was lost, not enough pay my wife left me for a another dude, I took time to reinvent myself and work harder & smarter. Currently leading a good life, six figure + income, I have a gf that loves me. I travel the world and I will be 33 next month. You can pull through too. I love the honesty in your story hang in there
  • @davidzen3363
    As a 31 yo dude, I'd like to say that the 23yo confusing phase is a classic from my experience and my surrounding's experience. The arrival to the adult routine world can be a real agression. And the confusion does not get better. Though, you learn to make peace with yourself with time, and you learn how to live with your confusion, until it takes less and less space in your mind. So I agree with the fact that the 20s is probably the most difficult phase of life, but it gets better after, I promise. You know better who you are, who you want to be, and you're still confused about a lot of things, but it's ok, and you understand it's ok. Besides, you realize that no one is perfect whatever the age. So you're not worst than the others. Anxiety disappears when you understand you are exactly where you're supposed to be. Even if it's not perfect, it's your own path of life, and it's building you. So you are always exactly where you're supposed to be. You just have to follow life, and make decisions and changes when it feels like the right moment. My humble advice would be : "Don't overthink life too much and try to keep focus on the present moment. Don't stay stuck in the past cause it does not exist anymore, don't fear the future cause it does not exist yet. Feel what you have to feel, enjoy your time with the people that matter to you, and learn how to listen to your own opportunities. Have the courage to change what feels wrong, accept what can't be changed, and look forward tomorrow, cause every day is a new opportunity to rest, or to make a change in your life, or to enjoy a precious moment".
  • "20s will be the best time of your life" is such an 80s or 70s terminology that doesn't apply anymore. I spent most of my 20s broke living paycheck to paycheck trying not to be homeless while studying. I dont know why these expectations are thrusted upon us when we're not ready, but its such a bs saying that doesn't apply anymore in the modern times
  • "No one really has everything figured out, no matter the age, we learn as we grow " . The calmness and satisfiction this line gave me is inexpressible.
  • @megamocha2334
    I’m 28. Nearly at the end of my 20s. I’ve made a lot of progress, but I’ve failed hard and I’ve failed a lot, and I live in constant fear that I wasted my time at the crossroads of life. But there’s another part of me that says “maybe I didn’t”, and I’m trying to listen to that.
  • @MysteryMedia2001
    I’m 22 and feeling lost myself, been out of university for a year and haven’t been able to find a job, still living with my parents. Life feels very stagnant currently. I do have a plan though, I’m going to be going back to college again to try getting into engineering in September. Hopefully things will be more exciting after that
  • @SelfMasteryLife
    To anyone who reads this, I see you and I know you'll make it. Don't give up. So many people are rooting for you :)
  • @h8den_
    I lost my mom at 23, you wanna talk about feeling lost? I was the embodiment of lost, but because of that loss it opened up my heart. Now here I am at 26, about to finally move out of my dad’s house and in with my amazing girlfriend. While I’m also going back to school so keep your head up. Walk tall and love yourself.
  • @dzejkob7
    Thank you for this video. Im 20, currently sitting in my room in the middle of the night, thinking a lot and getting really anxious about my future because right now, I have completly nothing going for me. My social skills suck and meeting new people is super hard, but at the same time I feel extremely lonely. I have barely any money, no job (working on it though), still living with my parents and feeling like a nuisance (even though they probably dont think of me like that). Im really skinny and dont like my body, but at the same time too lazy to work on it. Hell, I dont even have a drivers license. After finishing highschool I started having a feeling of urgency - if I wont figure everything out quickly, I'll end up as a total fuckup. I know its not necessarily true, but the feeling is there and I can't do anything about it. In a month and a half I'll become a freshman, Im hoping that I'll be able to start working on some of the things from the list,, and begin getting my life together. 5 minutes of this video made me a little bit less anxious, and a little bit more optimistic about the future, which is probably the biggest positive change in the last 4 months. Im truly thankful for that.
  • @Bardalicious_
    I’m 23, just graduated college a week ago. My grades and Resume would say I should have a brilliant future but I have never ever felt more lost. Everything you said in this video is pure truth. I’m a guy who rarely ever cries, but this made me tear up. Depression has kidnapped the meaning and motivation from my life and it’s time I spring up and try living life better. Thank you for this amazing video! ❤
  • Being 24 and losing my sense of identity was the biggest challenge I faced a couple years back. 26 now, still finding out more about myself than I knew then and this video hits right where it needed to. Life's about the journey, we'll figure it out.
  • @AerialSong
    This really hits hard for me. I'm almost 23 too. I have a career plan in place, but it was never what I wanted to really do. I still don't know what I want my life goal to be. My parents are seriously putting the pressure on me now to find a career, despite it not being as easy as they think. I'm glad to hear I'm not alone with this.
  • @andersonhur9626
    I just turned 20 and this video was exactly what i needed to hear. I appreciate the message bud, thank you.
  • @NoWayz0o
    I’m 27 turning 28 soon and one thing I can say is that these periods of your life will come and go. I went through this fase about 4 years ago after a breakup. I lost myself completely and I thought the pain would never go away - but it did! Now, 4 years later i’m in the same position again. I met a new girl about 2 years ago who turned my world upside down. We traveled the world and made some beautiful and incredible memories together. I found the happiness in life that I thought I lost forever. However, life can take some unexpected turns at times and we broke up a couple months ago. Now i’m in the exact same position again, alone, feeling lost and broken, not having found my passion or goals in life.. Not knowing what to do, where to go.. And that’s okay! That’s the beautiful thing about life, when one door closes another one openes and even though it sucks I know from experience that these hard times makes us stronger than we’ve ever been and I know that everything will be okay in the end! Also, I want to say that you really have a gift making videos Rolands. This is an amazing piece of art - keep it up. Much love to everyone out there. Everything will be okay!❤
  • @jaren_c
    Thanks... I'm 29 about to be 30 and Ive never felt more lost in my life. Procrastination is my biggest enemy by far. Hopefully will get out of this funk soon. Thanks for the video and the kind words.
  • @cyrus_auricus
    same age, same identical situation. It's almost like my thoughts came out from my head and became a video I randomly found on my YouTube home. Thank you mate for this piece of art that is beautiful and makes me feel less alone!
  • @marccervantes6130
    I myself am 23. Ive graduated college last June and I can't find a job I got my degree for. This video has definitely resonated with me. Especially the part about falling into being comfortable. I've been having it rough when it came to motivation. Thank you for the kind words. It's honestly encouraging to hear what you've shared. It makes me want to climb out of the hole I've put myself in.