Why Umbrella Academy is So Frustrating

Published 2022-07-08
Unstructured opinions rant! Not something I do a lot, but here it is. Season 3 (Three) of The Umbrella Academy was a lot.

All Comments (15)
  • Yes, your thoughts on the Allison and Luther thing! At about 24 minutes.
  • @riiseingirl
    ive been searching for TUA related content on here and found this vid and OMG so many of ur thoughts are exactly the thoughts i had while watching it!! i feel like every time the siblings time travel they take -100 damage to their intelligence levels bc they get increasingly stupid as the seasons go on ๐Ÿ˜ญ like they've done that shit 3 times already but its like they don't know the basic rules?? i'm no time travel expert by any means but not even i would expect to have aspects of my old life in any new timeline, especially after meddling with the timeline as much as the siblings have. my feelings towards allison this season r sort of complicated. ive liked her since season one and i especially LOVED her in season two. seeing her go thru this downward spiral hurt, but watching the writers fuck up her character hurt sm more. you made an excellent point about the worst of allison in seasons 1+2 being present in s3. also, viktor's pain being given more attention than allison's pain is so true, and i was guilty of that for a bit. they're so quick to tend to viktor's wounds and make sure he's okay and while that's definitely a good thing, they do NOT give that same energy for allison and she even says it in her big argument w viktor. when it comes to claire, i think thats another thing the show messes up. i know that allison loves claire a lot, but we have so few scenes of allison and claire together. the first time we see the two of them together is the night allison rumors claire and i feel like that spoils whatever investment we could've had in their relationship. claire is barely mentioned at all in season 2 as well so to bring her up again in s3 just feels odd. i think they couldve done a much better job showing allison's family more so we could form an emotional attachment to them and keep them in our minds more often. despite everything, I don't HATE Allison, but I was shocked to see the amount of people who do. I definitely have negative feelings about her solely bc of what she did to Luther (and I pray that gets addressed in s4), but i've seen many people just rip into her for every single thing she's done and i was just surprised. i've seen many people say she's been evil/selfish/manipulative from the very beginning and just swear her off completely and if i'm being honest I don't get it!! again I'm completely aware of the bad things she's done and I think she should take accountability for them but I just don't have it in me to HATE her the way most people seem to. anyway I love the way u speak and how u talk abt this show lol it is VERY relatable
  • @addygrubb9021
    "I guess that's my ace showing" omg YESSS!! I never care about that stuff on screen either, never, not even if it's labeled "character development" ๐Ÿ™„ Also you really transported me back to Avengers Tumblr there, and reminded me why I fell in love with the found family trope in the first place ๐Ÿ™Œ Also make them a good, believable family! Don't neglect your black sister!! Don't like that at all!!
  • @BLe-uw3vy
    It makes sense theyโ€™re worried V when Harlan hurt him than Allison some normal dudes. Allison can physically fight while V canโ€™t And they donโ€™t care too much Claire because they didnโ€™t really know her. And they cared less about Klaus, Five, and Ben, and sometimes Viktor still.
  • I will say I respect the actress, Emmy is amazing, and I think she did AMAZING this season with Allison. I do blame the writers for some of it, but not all stories are pretty or nice, life is a mess and these things happen. I feel like they handled the nasty side of breakdowns in a realistic way (at least as real as it could be with superpowers and plot armor). I could feel the grief Allison was going through, and Emmy did a great job portraying her going through it. But I will say I don't have respect for the character after this season, and maybe in season 4 (I don't know if there will be one, I hope so, but I haven't heard or read anything about it, but I'm positive they will lol) that will change with redemption and her taking initiative and responsibility and accountability for what she did. I don't like how she handled the grief (i've been through loss of a loved one, especially a sudden death) and I can understand her pain on a certain level, but I don't have to like how she handled it or how the others handled it with her. But it was how she was hateful and spiteful. I also didn't like how she thought Harlan didn't deserve to live, I understand lashing out in anger and killing him, but it was how she didn't even have regrets or any care for him. I think it was clear that Harlan didn't do it on purpose (even if we didn't get that flashback and explanation on how and why it happened). Also the Luther incident. It was painful to watch, and then painful to watch her try to rumor herself to be happy but it didn't work (I think it's interesting to see her be unable to warp her own reality). Then how she was using her powers to hurt her own siblings, with Viktor. after Luther and Viktor, I just kind of let her go. For right now, for me, it seems like she can't make up for those things. I'm naturally a grudge holder lol, so maybe that's just me talking but its going to have to take A LOT to get me to like her character again. I'm fine with the writers doing this to Allison, as long as they show her going through the grief and handling the grief and how someone that had a breakdown (and did horrible things to people of their own free will during said breakdown) is now handling the fall out of all of that.
  • @sasile
    So it might not be worth it for you, cuz the Allison Doing So Much Because Trauma only increases and gets more morally messy and unclear about where our sympathies and suspicions are supposed to lay... But the like third and second to last episodes Do have the sibs bonding, and a couple of Actual dance scenes. And karaoke. And hanging out. But also there continues to be larger story time devoted to Luther's love life. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝ Re: whether white pain specifically is treated more sympathetically, not sure, I mean I'm you know fairly confident that there's at least some of that going on, would be expected at minimum based on internalized bias, Idk how many If any non-white writers are at that table or not... But I sort of think it may be more Viktor-specific or plot specific weirdness also, because although I've not rewatched it recently I distinctly remember a takeaway from the first season being how much the sibs didn't notice or overlooked or dismissed the shit that was happening to Klaus. Like the narrative wants the audience to be really sympathetic to the pain and struggle that Klaus goes through, but like in this season when they didn't really notice Luther had been kidnapped, there was an awful lot of Klaus' stuff that went unnoticed and uncared about by the rest of the group in that one. And I would say that my instinct is that that speaks maybe less to a specific more extensive racial bias and more to the general way that the characters are written and the storytelling is done. Council of geeks here on YouTube, a white non-binary creator, has a review of the full season out, so there are spoilers at the end, but they talk about the fact that all of the characters are just very very stupid? And that this is partially explained you know in plot, they had a really dysfunctional upbringing and so you can see why they would have many problems... But also it seems to just be like a stylistic feature of the universe. Which, I don't blame anyone who doesn't like it, I did not like it in the first season, but by the time I sat through the second season I had come around to expecting it and sort of telling myself that it wasn't something to be annoyed about because I knew that it was going to be present going in? Like, when I recommend umbrella academy to people I'm very careful because there is so much that doesn't hold together. And if The things that don't are important for a viewer, then they're not going to have a good time. I don't think it's quite at like Riverdale status or something, but there is a similar sort of... You know what you're getting into, and what you're getting into is not Exactly good writing? It can be a good time, but that doesn't make it necessarily great writing. Again, council of geeks talks about the fact that in horror movies, characters make bad decisions in order that the plot can happen the way that it happens, and they argue that the difference for them with umbrella academy is it feels like the characters are making decisions that are just as stupid, but the plot happens because of the stupid decisions, instead of the stupid decisions just arbitrarily propping up the plot. The character arcs themselves might be stupid and bad, but they are fairly consistent and the behaviors that the characters exhibit are more consistent than not with their previous characterizations? I personally am neutral on Allison... Honestly I'm neutral on most of the characters. I think I like Diego, Klaus, and 5 the best? And I found both Allison's character really frustrating and obviously the writing decisions that went into it. I don't like how lightly they are treating/having the other characters treat her escalating anger and sadness and use of her powers, But based on elements of the ending, I'm sort of hoping that some of that is building to something intentional in the fourth season, assuming we get a fourth season. Honestly a lot of Allison's character writing in this season reminds me of age of Ultron and civil war Tony Stark, and of endgame/Infinity war Star-Lord. Basically textually the behaviors they exhibit are technically present within their past, As you bring up, Allison's previous comfort with arguably abusing her rumor power as far as getting other people to do what she wanted, escalating to her crossing a line by using it on her child, The complete 180 reaction to that that she's never going to use it again, and then heading through third season her vacillating back and forth between not using it and holding herself to high ethical standards and then screwing all the ethical standards because she's mad or she's upset or she's traumatized etc. Technically that is a simple escalation of behaviors we saw from the beginning, but the decision to do it in order to create drama or escalate plot or whatever feels like it doesn't completely work in the same way I think that Peter Quill punching Ultron until the plan is ruined or Tony "I don't care, he killed my mom" Stark's decision making feels... not necessarily inconsistent with previous character decisions, but certainly an... ungenerous interpretation of any character growth we assumed they had had up until that point, in order to apparently serve the wider plot. You mentioned not knowing whether there's good conclusion to the season, and I would say that it does conclude a great deal, but the ending is similar to the ending of the last two seasons, where it's very clearly setting up the fourth season to start immediately where this one leaves off. And with the way they leave Allison in particular, I sort of hope that means we're not getting a reset on her emotional journey, but instead we will continue to get engagement with it and address or solve Some of what we saw go on in this season.
  • @ZephyrBW
    Alison really went down the deepend i mean she is grieving but what she did was too far
  • Such a good video!! I'd actually really like to know what you think about the rest of the season.
  • @BLe-uw3vy
    Viktor power to convert sound in different forms of energy, the destructive force arenโ€™t things he done. He has so many powers. He could he could fly, do telekinesis, have enhanced hearing, make forcefield, change the weather, manipulation electricity to some extend, suck life out of people, and give people his powers. Allison could be very powerful, but itโ€™s limited people who can hear her so her rumoring someone about apocalypse isn going to stop it. Also Allison brought her relationship Patrick and Claire on herself. Also can we guilt anyone for feeling bad one character and not another? Wanda was shown the complexity of her character while Allison wasnโ€™t. I think racism is bad, but weโ€™re seeing Allison as person not a race.
  • @amirahwithluv
    Points were made I enjoyed this show bc of the characters and can ignore lots of the nonsensical plot but this season really was the last straw.