[Chilla's Art] Shinkansen 0 | 新幹線 0号

Published 2024-03-25

All Comments (21)
  • Can you imagine sitting on a train and someone running up and down the car looking all around and saying "this is fine, yes this is the same." Lol I'd be creeped out
  • @missrubyphoenix
    Gabby translating everything and checking if the phrases are written correctly in japanese, korean and/or any other language she knows, plus explaining the context while (sometimes) telling us about her experiences living there back in the day always makes me smile
  • Imagine you fall asleep on the train, wake up, and someone running through the car goes straight to you and shouts “ANOMALY” and runs away
  • @MacabreCage
    the lady staring at a blank laptop is me at work pretending to be busy for the last 5 hours every day
  • @TheRogueWolf
    Deep-vein thrombosis is when a blood clot forms in an extremity (usually a leg). Sometimes those clots then break loose and move into the lungs, causing issues. It's known to occur to frequent travelers thanks to all the sitting they do encouraging clots to form in the legs. I'm guessing that the player character had a near-death experience due to the clot, and coincidentally brushed against the afterlife at the same time as the siblings were killed.
  • @euriditia
    The brother and sister are the only Chilla's Art character's that didn't give me the uncanny valley vibe. The sister is actually super pretty, the prettiest character I've seen by Chilla's Art tbh.
  • The nurse standing in front of the poster is probably one of my favorite anomalies in any of the games. So creepy I love it.
  • @LoucheWoman
    Ending two, watching the siblings walk on the track: Gab: Aww, that's nice! Me: Aww, that's how they died!
  • @LunaStafford
    "no anomaly in this area" the text meanwhile: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND
  • @Tilleyforever44
    Nobody ever comments on how “edgelord” is getting into his seat when you enter the car 😭 such a scary detail
  • @IM_Arcades
    Why didn't anyone tell her that you can use the telephone in between the cars to see how many anomalies you are missing?
  • @onestar9513
    I can't watch a Chilla's* Art game without Gab playing it
  • There's an anomaly that didn't occur in your playthrough but in the car with the blue seats there is a creepy anomaly I came across when I played this where the bag above where the sister is sitting in row 4 actually becomes like a weird folded person or human skin or something like that
  • @chrisraiden123
    It's interesting, the game kind of hints at the ending right off the bat. "His sister won't wake up" and they're even sitting in row "4" or "Shi".
  • @skylark8575
    The thumbnail is literally Jenna Marbles turning herself into a chair vibes
  • not the chat member telling you to count the dots on the chairs 🤣 like they think chilla's arts is going to have you out here memorising all the dust particles and skin flakes
  • @lillypad0205
    I love when you and Jack play the same games so i can watch them back to back and see how wild he is versus how calm you are lol
  • @emilybelzer5773
    I just have to say, gab in the green car asking why she's having a hard time remembering the switched rules--that's exactly the kind of thing they test for with ADHD! Changing rules between similar tasks requires your brain to simultaneously remember new rules and inhibit the old rules, which taxes your focus. They did just that kind of thing in my ADHD testing, although it wasn't cool Chilla's horror. 💖
  • @79Bobola
    A Chilla’s Art/Observation Duty combo game?!? Lets goooo! Two of my favorite things 🥰