The Chosen One's Handbook - Bending Reality With Your Mind (Rare Audiobook)

Published 2024-04-20
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The Chosen One's Handbook - Bending Reality With Your Mind
Written and Published by Jan The Mentalist

The saying, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he," covers every aspect of a person's existence. It suggests that our thoughts shape who we are and influence every circumstance we encounter. Essentially, a person's character is the sum total of their thoughts.

Just like a plant originates from a seed, every action of a person stems from the seeds of thought hidden within them. Whether an action seems spontaneous or deliberate, it is rooted in the thoughts that precede it. Actions are like the blossoms of our thoughts, and the experiences of joy or suffering are the fruits they bear. Thus, a person reaps the consequences of their own mental cultivation, whether sweet or bitter.

Human development follows laws, not random chance. The principle of cause and effect governs the realm of thought just as rigorously as it does the physical world. A noble character isn't a stroke of luck; it's the outcome of sustained effort in cultivating righteous thoughts. Conversely, a base character results from nurturing lowly thoughts over time.

Ultimately, each person shapes their own destiny. In the arsenal of thought, one forges the weapons of self-destruction or the tools for building a life filled with happiness and strength. By choosing and applying thoughts wisely, one can elevate themselves towards divine perfection. Conversely, misusing or neglecting the power of thought can reduce a person to a level lower than that of beasts. Between these extremes lies the entire spectrum of human character, and each individual is both its architect and master

All Comments (21)
  • @crash8828
  • I appreciate your very clear expression of longstanding Principle of The Power of Thought being the means by which we CREATE our reality & knowing this empowers us to be able to bring ourselves into Alignment with thought that yields more positive fruit. Yeshua also Taught the Law behind this Principle~ 'As you sow, so shall you reap'. Thankyou for your clear explanation of this important principle🙏💕⚘️
  • @artcook1976
    We are all god we create with our thoughts and words , good or bad we create it as buhda said everything we need is within
  • I love the beautiful, clear expression of these principles of Truth. Thankyou! My Grandma was student of New Thought involving these principles & have heard them over course of my life & yet it has been slow process to really integrate them & am currently in circumstance of loss of financial security crisis & it is catalyst for my reviewing roots of thought that got me here & mostly am seeing hidden, subconscious program around conditioned belief that it's not ok to have wealth, feeling unworthy, or guilty for having while others suffer. Am weeding my garden. I KNOW these Principles are True. But only through genuine, sincere intent & steadfast Application yields the cherished fruit of our desire for prosperity & Abundance❤❤❤
  • @theresaheyer537
    yup yup got that when i got that.....damn i'm glad someone woke me up.
  • Thank you. It needed reminding about the power of thought. I appreciate your upload
  • @cutechiangels
    Some truth lies in these words, but not all. As humans, we must be humble and not think we are almighty. That would be an error. We don't have everything in our hands! Yes, inside ourselves we can find everything, most answers, but we can't change everything outside of us nor in our lives. We can modify our trajectories, and such, but as we have been created by the almighty God, this point is not to be overseen, but we should always take God into account and walk through life with 'him' in our hearts. We can chose this or that, but in the end we have to go through things our souls need. And that comes from a higher source. Thus, one can't speak of choice as such, but options. Too long to explain here, but I hope you got the gist. 🙏🌟
  • "We are Cause and Effect":As it is above, it is below. "It's done onto you as you believe".