Can longer hours save Europe's economy? | DW News

Published 2024-06-27
As Greece launches a six-day work week, many in Germany are hoping for less time on the job. A four-day work week would make for a better work-life balance. But Germany can ill afford it, say critics. They think we might need to work more to get the economy back on track.

#germany #workweek #economy


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All Comments (21)
  • @MrN-e1p
    Who else is not surprised by an older and about-to-retire individual advocating for the younger generation to work more?
  • @ocelotrevs
    No thanks. He can work 7 days a week, I'd rather work 4 days and spend more time at home. Or doing things I enjoy with more free time.
  • @antono1987
    Oh great a boomer manager talking about how workers have to work 6 days a week😂 If Germany has less workforce then it becomes employees market and companies will adjust/compete to get those who still can work. This guy should do a reality check
  • I follow a hospice nurse on Youtube. She says the thing she hears most from the dying, is the regret that they worked too much. Modern companies want a limited amount of employees, (simply because of the expenses associated with it) and to squeeze them to death. They simply do not care about the stresses of the bio-bot (you) they are paying for, they care about as much as they would if a machine they owned was maxing out, but still working and producing. Dont let yourself fall into this trap, simply to chase $$. Only a nationalistic fool would work more "for the country".
  • The answer is no. Imagine telling people to work more as a solution to economic hurdles and mistakes in governance. More hours will just lead to a worse demographic outlook, just look at Korea and Taiwan.
  • Well why talks days off, let's keep working 7 days a week, and call ourselves slaves... Wtf is Wrong with Europe now
  • Honestly this man just disgusts me. His ideology is literally anti human. Sacrifice your own life on the altar of the allmighty economy. Leave the rest of us out of it.
  • Is this a joke? We should be working 20 hour weeks by now. Unbelievably regressive thinking in this interview
  • @bobsmith369
    Karl, just because you are a workaholic with no life doesn't mean we should become as well. I get it that you're afraid and you want to secure your retirement, but you should've thought about that while decimating the birth rates. Do you think more working hours will lead to more babies to join the workforce or less ?
  • @AmonTheWitch
    4 hours a day has been proven to increase productivity, we don't need to work more we need to work less
  • 35 hours never leads to burnout? On what planet does he live?
  • Greece introduced 6 work days because they were already illegally working 6 days and now its being legalised instead of the 5 day work week to be enforced. Soo yeah, Greece is going downhill as usual.
  • @Skoda130
    The question is: Are you living to work, or working to live?
  • This guy is outright delusional. Research has already shown that working more hours past a certain point does not give you more productivity - they are not linearly related. Even then, in the current economic climate of growing wealth inequality, why should people want to give up more of their lives simply to make companies and their stockholders richer?
  • How about improve efficiency and innovation? A.I was supposed to make life easier and have humans work less, not more.
  • @AkiseAk
    The 40 hour work week was established nearly 100 years ago. Since then we have increased productivity severalfold. Yet the real gains from that are overwhelmingly enjoyed by the already wealthy, and now employees need to put even more time into work just so that this model can stay afloat...? This can't be the only way
  • @DC-ux1dt
    It's fine when you are earning hundreds of thousands while sitting in your office like this guy. Easy to call for more work when you are top tier earner and a boss man.
  • let blue collar work 7 days week while white collars relax. yeah right of course