Help Needed For Man With Chronically Smelly Hair! | Bad Hair Day

Published 2024-06-15

All Comments (21)
  • @Andre-ohigho
    almost nothing in life is better than having someone thatll go the extra mile to help you live the best life you could live. truly a lifelong partner right there
  • @sememmer1
    You all need to chill about the wife. He clearly states that his last wife noticed the smell as well. Partnered with the fact he said he didn't have a lot of friends as a kid, it sounds like this was an issue for a long time. It bothered him so much, he was near tears. Yes, she spoke a lot for him, but I can also tell that she did a lot of research and tried everything he could to help him. Mentioning the dairy products and garlic happened after the doctor said that food could be an issue. His wife simply stated the stuff that he ate a lot of to give the doctor info on that. You may be annoyed by the wife, but she sure did her research and prepared for her husband's appointment. And if any of that helped him and he's happy with the outcome and doesn't mind his wife taking the lead, then it all worked out just fine.
  • I love the wife. She told him the hard truth, but instead of ditching him, she said ā€œletā€™s get you help.ā€
  • No, I don't think the wife is nuts. She was smelling something was not normal. It is a good thing to have it checked. I remember one year before I had breast cancer a chunk of my hair fell out as I combed it.
  • People acting like this is dramatic nonsense that cant possibly be this bad... Go a month without washing your belly button and give that a wiff. His head has uncontrolled yeast, which smells absolutely terrible. Go 2 months without brushing your teeth and ask your partner if they dont mind sleeping 3 inches from your breathing face every night. She brought him in because she cares. You people don't know how miserable it is dealing with someone who chronically smells terrible.
  • @Wellwishes4u
    Despite being pushy, Brian's wife made sure he got the medical treatment he desperately needed. She helped him overcome his fear of getting treatment, as he admitted he thought the odor was a symptom of a more serious medical condition. That was probably why he feared checking out the cause earlier. Brian had a persistent foul odor that likely hindered his social and work life. Did anyone do a welfare check on him as a child, asking if he was bathing at home or if everything was okay at school? Did his parents seek care for him, or did schools most likely ignore it? No one helped him, though Iā€™m sure plenty judged. This neglect can severely impact confidence and career progress. Brian said his wife was the only one honest enough to help him fix it. He definitely has the right wife, one who helps him live a full life.
  • I had really bad sinus for many years. Few times i bolted out of gatherings thinking the infected smell was wafting about. So i can appreciate what he is going through because not everyone is willing to say anything. His Wife might be a bit much and he might be a bit down. But its good she has backed him up. Glad he will have a chance to shine now.
  • Thats so crazy. Ive never heard of that.the wife just knows him so well. Lmao šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚
  • @river8760
    Poor guy, thatā€™s so sad heā€™s had issues with friends. He seems very sweet. Glad the dermatologist could help him with scalp treatments. His wife is very overbearing!
  • Wow I look back on kids that got picked on when I was in school because of their appearance and body odor. And I realized a lot of the parents did nothing to help their kids. Many had acne and they didn't buy acne wash/or take them to dermatologist. If overweight they didn't change the food/implement exercises. Bad breath/body odor and they never took them to the doctor. He's lucky that he found someone that over looked his smell. I broke up with people with bad breath. After I told them, they got mad and was in denial and was like nobody ever told them. Well if you don't believe you have a problem then you won't bother fixing it. I'm not about to suffer and they have the whole room smelling like a used toilet. Then whatever bad bacteria in their mouth cause and infection in my body. Trying to kiss someone and it smells like sh*tšŸ¤¢. One knew they had a bad tooth before we met and never got it taken care of until months after we broke up. Messaged me saying they got a better job/went to dentist and it was their tooth. So I wasn't lying then after all.
  • Separately in the same house?. Am i the only one that thinks this is a tad bit dramatic lol šŸ˜‚
  • Besides no garlic, they didn't explain the treatment for reducing the yeast and oil on the skin. What specific types of products? Would have loved to hear name brands.
  • @LibrasReact
    These comments are off the wall. He couldn't smell it because he has always smelled it so he is used to it. People thinking this wasnt an issue before... guess what ... noone told him!! I know some very smelly people and I do not have the heart to tell them they smell bad. Imagine having to live with an awful smell all the time. Even the dermatologist could smell it! He is a very simple man and it took a woman who may seem overbearing to get results. I can guarantee he has probably noticed a difference in his social life already since the smell is gone. Also to the people saying its not the garlic... as the dr said his immune system can cause this so anyone without the immune system issue would not have a smell from the garlic.
  • @rhondamoon3886
    HOWDY NEIGHBOR. I live in the Smoky Mountains so I'm not far from you SIR. Good luck
  • Maybe by cutting down on the milk products such as cottage cheese or mayonnaise and ranch dressing. I used to have a friend who ate plenty of garlic abd he never smelled. So its not garlic
  • @Kerry-uo6og
    Ill bet itll be diet change. Good luck yall ā¤