Affiliate marketing: what is it?

Published 2024-03-14
So... Affiliate Marketing sounds amazing, but just what the heck is it?

Affiliate Marketing Defined
It’s simple really... and you probably already do it without getting paid for it.Very simply put, Affiliate Marketing is getting paid to recommend stuff to people who are already asking you for it.
Let’s use an example to help clarify.
Let’s imagine that you have a friend that is looking for a couch.
And you know a great place downtown that has just the type she’s looking for... so you simply RECOMMEND that she go and take a look.
(Notice I said recommend... not be salesy, or pushy, or weird).
Your friend rushes down to the furniture store, buys a couch for $1,000 that she loves and is super happy.

Now in this case... all you get is a thank you from your friend and maybe an invite over to sit on her new couch.

But, let’s also imagine that you know the owner of the store, and he agreed to give you 10% of any sale that’s made from your recommendations.
You didn’t make the couch.You didn’t sell the couch.You don’t have to provide customer service for the couch. You don’t have to have a warehouse to store the couch. You didn’t have to work any hours.
Yes, you made money without trading your time to make it!
You didn’t even have to leave your house!
But you got $100 just for recommending the store.
That’s how affiliate marketing works.

And, as you’ll learn later... there are affiliate programs out there in pretty much EVERY area of interest that you can think of...
So you can get paid to recommend things that you’re actually passionate about or have a real interest in!
Wouldn’t it be cool to get paid to simply recommend cool stuff that you already care about, and already talk about... to people ALREADY looking for the same cool stuff?
It IS cool... and you can get paid to make these recommendations as soon as today when you have the 3 simple steps you’re about to be given.
And because you’ll be using the power of the internet to locate people already interested in what you’re recommending... the income potential is endless!
Even better... just like your furniture store friend didn’t charge you to be an affiliate for his store...
Nearly ALL affiliate programs are 100% FREE to sign up for!Are you starting to see why Affiliate Marketing is like a too good thing that actually IS true?
Affiliate Marketing works so well, in fact, that when you plug into it on a daily basis and follow the simple steps that I give you consistently...
You can have a business that is making you money even when you spend zero minutes on it.
Excerpted from “The 30-Minute Workday Escape Plan” book.

#affiliatemarketing #affiliatemarketingforbeginners

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