Published 2020-12-20
The subject of eternal security of salvation has been a major doctrinal difference in the body of Christ and I think it's very important that we throw light into this issue. Beloved brothers and sisters, the plain truth is Once saved is always saved. To say otherwise, and to preach it, might be something akin to insulting the Holy Spirit and the finished works of the cross. You cannot lose your salvation either through sin or by voluntary saying you don't believe in Christ anymore? Why? because it's the same way you can't unfry an egg? Nor can you voluntary go back to Jail after a Judge have declared your case dismissed and acquitted. Then, after being saved–genuinely forgiven and accepted and transformed by the Holy Spirit of God into something far different from what you were, more than any hen’s egg ever dreamed possible–you cannot undo it. John 10:28 reads: I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. Now some of my folks who will disagree with this truth will quote Hebrews 6:4-6 or Philippians 2:12 but I encourage to study it again contextually.

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