I Need Some Sleep |1 HOUR}

Published 2018-06-20

All Comments (21)
  • As a man who used to struggle with depression these are the most helpful things I can think of: -Take Risks, don't let the fear of failure stop you from trying something new or something great -Do things that genuinely scare you or that you're afraid of (Even little things like climbing onto a roof and helping to put up Christmas lights if you're afraid of heights or saying something to the cute cashier girl other than "hi" and "thanks") -Pursue an ambitious goal, one that a lot of people don't believe you can achieve (It doesn't even matter if you fail this because no matter what the pursuit of an ambitious goal will make you a better person and give you fulfillment) With that being said, do your best to succeed -Have a passion, basically this means to find a hobby that you enjoy so much that you will spend hours and hours getting better at it -Study history, pick a role model, and then analyze the traits of your role model and list the reasons why you admire them. Then start to emulate these traits in your everyday life and eventually you will become your own role model. -Don't ever quit something just because it's hard (You can quit a crappy job if it's not the right fit for you, but never quit solely based on the fact that something is difficult). Embrace challenges and look for opportunities to improve yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually. -Never put yourself down. Try not to think negative things about yourself and especially never say them out loud. You will think more highly of yourself when you say positive things about yourself, at the very least avoid putting yourself down on purpose. -Live purposefully. Have a direction for your life and if you don't already have one, make one. Decide what's most important to you and live accordingly. If you have a family or even a single loved one, your first priority (other than serving God if you're religious) should be to provide for them, to protect them, and to help them become the best version of themselves -Develop Integrity. I can't even explain how much this increases your self-repsect. Be honest, be trustworthy, don't cheat (unless you're in a street fight) and live with honor. -Find a hobby that you're really passionate about and strive to become a master at it -Finally, probably the most important thing I can say is to think less about yourself. Think less about yourself but not less of yourself. In other words, think about other people before you think about yourself, especially your family and loved ones. If you're focused on helping them with their problems I can promise you that your problems will become less important and less troublesome. Look for opportunities to help others and make them feel better about themselves. Nothing lifts you out of depression better than helping someone out of theirs. I hope this helps. I realize that some people are genetically predisposed to having a harder time with depression, but I believe that there's nothing you can't overcome with a strong mindset. In addition, I strongly believe that going through depression and having such terrible lows actually gives you the capacity to feel even greater happiness and joy. The reason I say this is because when you feel genuine joy after being depressed for so long you can't help but feel grateful. The beauty of life is that we are meant to experience the full range of human emotions, from happiness to anger to jealousy to despair to joy. We couldn't feel genuine happiness if we never knew what it was like to be sad. If I could talk to whoever is reading this face-to-face, what I would say to you would be simple: don't quit. A quote from Winston Churchill kept me going in times when I thought I had nothing left, he said: "If you're going through Hell, keep going." Everything in life can be and is meant to be an opportunity to make yourself better, and depression is no exception. Keep fighting, all of you are descended from warriors no matter what culture or country you are from. You wouldn't be here today if it weren't for the conquering spirit of your ancestors. Live a life that would make them proud. While most of us will not fight in physical wars, no one is exempt from the battlefield of life. Depression can be a battle every single day, every single second in some cases. Keep fighting, it will only get better. And the more you fight, the more you will gain respect for yourself. I've conquered my depression. Every now and then it will start to try and creep back into my mind but I don't let it. I destroy those feelings with action. I go lift weights, I go running, I listen to metal music, whatever it takes for me to regain my confidence. You can conquer depression, no matter how severe it is. That doesn't mean you'll never have days where you feel down, but it does mean that you'll have the strength to push through and do what you need to do as a man regardless of how you're feeling. Stay strong, stay hard, and fight like dragons 🐉 You're going to be very glad you did.
  • @Superluigi881
    Feeling like a selfish, terrible person undeserving of the nice things they have who only exists to directly or indirectly make people’s lives worse. I think most of us have been there. Shrek 2 captured that surprisingly well.
  • @epifania893
    Está canción es un refugio para aquellas personas que tienen problemas y no les pueden contar a nadie porque nadie entiende todo lo que pasamos, nuestros padres piensan que el estar tristes o tener depresión es para llamar la atención cuando realmente lo único que queremos es a alguien que nos escuche, nos entienda.
  • Una hora es muy poco 😢 Alguien más la va escuchando más de 2 repeticiones?
  • @ellieyeagerx
    "Querido diario: La bella durmiente hará una pijamada mañana, pero papá no me deja ir, siempre dice que tengo que llegar antes de la puesta del sol. Papá dice que me iré lejos por un tiempo, creo que a un internado para princesas o algo así. Mi mamá dice que cuando tenga edad, mi príncipe encantador me rescatará de la torre y me traerá con mi familia y que viviremos felices por siempre. Señora Fiona de encantador. Señora Fiona de encantador. Señora Fiona de encantador. Señora Fiona de encantador." :v
  • its sad how shrek is a meme i think it is a beutiful movie and this is a great song like if you agrree
  • Volvere aqui en el 2025 Para recordar todo :') Todo lo que habre ganado y perdido Aver si suelto una lagrima :")
  • @raulchango5064
    Talvez ella no era la indicada y ahora debo dejarla ir, es tan tonto mientras ella es feliz con otro yo continuo con su recuerdo
  • Mi novia y yo terminamos,ayer por que senti que debia ser feliz sin mi ya que trabajo todo el dia y solo gano $100 y esos cien pesos se los doy a ella,duramos 3 años,la deje por que se sentia muy sola y queria que conociera a alguien.Hoy tiene un nuevo novio y es su ex con el que una vez me engaño y senti como nunca me amo a pesar de lo tanto que di y me mate por ella espero y sea feliz con el y esta cancion me ayuda muchoya que es es muy alentadora para mi, mi padre una semana antes de que falleciera me dijo que era su favorita ya que era una cancion que yo cantaba en mi infancia al ver shrek 2 y es lo unico que por ahora me hace sonreir por una hora diario. espero y algun dia todos tengamos a nuestra mujer ideal me volveria a matar con tal de que me amen sinceramente.
  • @darkdraven7277
    Anxiety it's eating my brain and my soul .... this song it's like a painkiller thank you so much 😢😢😢
  • No entiendo porque me pongo a escuchar esta canción a las 3 de la madrugada y entrar en una profunda nostalgia :c
  • @peanutgo6994
    Come to this song every night to reflect on how lucky I am to be breathing, relaxing on a bed. Letting go of the amazing adventure I’ve had today and recollecting my energy for the day that’s waiting upon me.
  • La canción perfecta para las 3:40am, cuando todo parece perdido y sabes que nada volverá a ser igual. La cuarentena me quito mis sueños, pelee con amigos, mi novia me dejo y lo peor es que no puedo salir a arreglar las cosas por el aislamiento.
  • @yourLoveJoy
    I got out of drug addiction thanks to this song...after a year i wanted to listen to this. Its crazy. Don't waste your time being sad guys...find your purpose
  • @diegomadrid1975
    Me llamo I need some sleep, no la canción de Shrek. - la canción de Shrek.