Using TypeScript in Your JavaScript Projects - Joe Skeen - Utah Code Camp 2016

Published 2016-04-16
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that allows you to add optional static types and future ECMAScript features into your JavaScript code. TypeScript compiles to plain JavaScript, and can target ES3, ES5, or ES6. You may be interested in TypeScript if any of the following apply to you:

* You want to have better tooling for writing JavaScript in your favorite code editor/IDE (no more fat fingered spelling errors!)
* You have a large or very large JavaScript project
* You use or are learning to use a popular JS library such as Node.JS, JQuery, AngularJS, Ember, or many others
* You want to use ECMAScript 6 now without worrying about browser compatibility
* You come from an Java/C# background and want to structure your JavaScript using OOP
* Using the `typings` package to manage TypeScript definition files Things I will cover in this session:
* A brief overview of TypeScript
* How to get started with TypeScript in your existing JS project without changing a single line of code
* How to light up your code by adding optional TypeScript features
* How to integrate TypeScript into your build/test/debug cycle

TypeScript is free, open-source, and cross-platform. Check it out at
Targeted for: Beginner Developers, Experienced Developers

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