Formulario de captura en Excel que guarda datos en varias hojas usando VBA y macros @EXCELeINFO

Published 2018-03-13
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This tutorial is part of a series of tutorials that I have developed in which we see how to capture data and save the data in the form of a database. The tutorials that I have developed on the subject are:

Excel capture form that saves data in another Excel file.
Excel capture form that saves data on another sheet.
Example of capture form in Excel.
Excel vba point of sale form tested with barcode reader.
Capture data and save it in several sheets

We saw earlier that we can adapt our capture form to save the data in different destinations. Now, in this tutorial what I intend is that you have a form where you capture data and that data can be saved in different pages of the book, but being more specific, you can choose which sheet you want saved. And the previous thing we will do it writing macros in VBA language.

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