Why do video games suck these days?

Published 2019-11-29
Just wanted to start a conversation about why the video game industry seems to be getting lamer and lamer these days.

Forgive my microphone quality I don't make videos regularly so I just have a basic one.

There's a lot more I didn't talk about or mention but I didn't want to spend too much time trying to remember talking points and I don't know how to edit so yeah.

All Comments (7)
  • That's how all big companies work these days. Food, gaming, movies, TV, music, phones.... It's not People what is important but mass money from people. For that reason i play older games rather this copy paste glitched shit. But still good games are produced sometimes.
  • I agree mate. I have the same thoughts with Call of Duty. Just copying other games rather than truly innovating their own shit like back in MW2 days.
  • @moogobIin
    meh. ive seen the indie scene pump out some really solid titles. it could be because i can't stomach AAA games and the types of genres that become AAA.
  • @amuroray9115
    Fallen Order is nothing like Uncharted. Only Similarities are story-driven. Combat is more like some Soulsborne. And I rather take that game over Minecraft. I never liked that game. Preferred Little Big Planet that came out before. Deus Ex, RDR2, Gravity Rush 2, etc. and then there’s indie titles like Hades or Blasphemous ( both on the switch) Games are glitchier now than ever. Among those that aren’t, They’ll always be this that innovate, those that milk themselves (Cal of Duty since MW1) and those that aren’t well known but still fun
  • Eh... I see what you’re saying... But I mean there’s at least a FEW good video games out there... But yea most of them suck...