"All barbarity is permitted in Hamas' goal of destroying the Jewish state and committing genocide"

Published 2024-07-24
"All barbarity is permitted in Hamas' goal of destroying the Jewish state and committing genocide against its people and this is the enemy we face today.": Asher Westropp-Evans - Israeli Citizen Spokespersons' Office

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All Comments (21)
  • What about October seventh. How can the world not criticise Hamas for the barbarity they have brought on the Jewish people. Can they not see what they are doing.
  • @BobvanT
    … 75 years of Nothing, Zilch, Nada, Niente, Rien, Nichts …. The Palestinians and their leadership of gaza have wasted 75 years obsessing over the fact that Israel exists. The same day the state of Israel was declared, the palestinians started a war. They lost that war and haven’t accomplished anything for themselves since. 25 miles of Middle Eastern beach front has gone to waste. Should have been a fantastic place with Hotels, Clubs, Restaurants, Casinos, start-ups , film and music festivals, agri culture, innovative industries. They have NOTHING, done NOTHING, achieved NOTHING, created NOTHING, developed NOTHING….. because they’re for some reason obsessed with Israel. What a shocking, self inflicted waste. We will not let Israel down and we will always stand with the State of Israel !
  • @Rosie05610
  • The Holy Bible says that Israel is God's own chosen people. This is the good God's world. God bless Israel.
  • God bless the Nation of Israel and their right to exist in their biblical land !
  • Hamas atrocious conduct is not acceptable!. The International Community cannot support this!. God exists!. These evil people must be brought to justice!. 🇮🇱 🕯️ 💔
  • @monicakieck7501
    God only have 10 laws; the 10 commandments; hamas broke them all😢
  • God commanded the Israelites to remain in EXILE until a Messianic leader called them back to the Holy Land. Zionism disagreed.
  • @Sarah-im3lp
    They just want EQUAL RIGHTS for all, not to destroy the Jewish state!