Censored Pokemon Media

Published 2024-03-01

All Comments (21)
  • @Sousabird
    Remember, for whatever they censor, they left in the start of Pokémon colosseum where the protagonist bombs a building.
  • @vlcharlie4884
    They didn't censor the Gengar one because it had a cemetery, they censored it because of the crosses. A lot of Yu-Gi-Oh cards got censored for the same reason
  • @KevinDiaz2000
    Pokémon: Let’s change this wrecking ball to be pink because that makes it less violent somehow Also Pokémon: Rayquaza impaling a girl and then Hyper Beaming her? All good
  • @tktyga77
    Pokémanga was perhaps the least known, but most intense kind of official Pokémedia around
  • @RoseSupreme
    The fact Rayquaza freakin' IMPALED and HYPER BEAM'D Zinnia point-blank just irritates me. HOW is she still alive after that?! Stabbed, along with being blasted point-blank by one of the strongest moves out there? The plot armour is STRONG with her.
  • @13CrystalHeart
    I just remember the time they hired a hentai doujinshi artist to do the Electric Tale of Pikachu manga, and had to censor it literally twice over. Idk if they were still trying to work out their audience in Gen1 or what, but it was a wild time.
  • @WiiTara
    Very disappointed in the Magmortar censor. I mean this Pokemon literally has fire arms!
  • @Fox808
    The graveyard in the Japanese background of Sabrina’s Gengar had tombstones in the shape of the cross which is why that got censored while other graveyards didn’t.
  • @justinn8541
    Stuff like this makes me wish for more adult spin-offs. Or at least stuff for teenagers.
  • @Noxis07
    The sheer stupidity of censors never ceases to amaze me. In their effort to not be "culturally insensitive/racist," they proceed to unironically be culturally insensitive/racist. As a Mexican, I take offense to the maracas being removed if anything. I thought it was awesome whenever Brock donned the sombrero and poncho.
  • @dirtsquids9854
    My theory for Sasquatch and why we haven’t found bones is multi dimensionality But damn it Sabrina was not flipping us off
  • @HoennMaster
    I remember when my cousins and I first learned about it the Japanese version of Misty’s Tears. My cousin was so excited you could see her…assets 😅 I hate that TCPI has gotten slightly more censor happy in recent years. So many things are just so ridiculous to censor. It also bothers me how The Legend of Dratini got banned for guns, but they left them in during Here Comes The Squirtle Squad.
  • @SonBlackHeart22
    The Serena (Or Y in the manga) flying suit edit is so weird since is lower part of the flying suit being showed and not panties. 😅
  • As I kid, I used to play a lot of the slot machine in my Pokemon Pearl. My brother had Platinum version. Today, like 15 years later, I realize that my brother didn't get to play that wonderful mini-game I spent so much time on.😅😂
  • @usermcskull4713
    It's worth noting that for Adventures, most of the censoring is in the VIZ releases of the manga. The Chuang Yi releases keep most of the art in tact, although earlier volumes have the art flipped to left to right
  • 9:56 it's worth mentioning that this was not a English dub change, this change was applied to dubs outside of Japan including other Asian dubs too (which are based on the Japanese version) so this was a change Pokemon Japan decided to make, I guess they just wanted to play it safe?
  • @captaincz5763
    The Magmortar thing might've also been changed to comply with the ESRB. An example of this is Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux's cover art for the west, where a gun was pointed directly at the viewer and was changed to the character stretching out their hand instead.
  • @GoonieLord
    I still have the Japanese version of Misty's tears its mint condition and inside a protective case