Top 15 ✨Pacify her✨ gacha tt complication (Doggi love)

Published 2022-05-24

All Comments (21)
  • @Anqwu_
    The last one is the only one that actually made sense on how actual monarchy works
    I was just focused on the guards killing the maids for the satisfaction. 🤭
  • Did anyone notice at the end of the second pacify her the girl had the same purple eyes as the guard so the mother has some explaining to do
  • They just forget the fact that to become queen you need the coronation, so basically the maid has no power at all.
  • @nashwa6615
    is everyone ignoring that it's the maid issuing the order most of the time she doesn't have the authority to do that
  • @siy_4760
    —“Someone told me stay away from things that aren’t yours..but was he yours if he wanted me so bad?” —“PACIFY HER! She’s getting on my nerves..” —“You don’t love her. Stop lying with those words.”
  • @mariemoon1
    The one before 3:59 is good. The kid actually stood up instead of crying.
  • @seiyau-
    1:24 lol the knight never gets old (:> if u litterally reply "ITS BEcaUSe oF THe GAchA LOgiC" don't reply it because I already know+just saying)
  • @seiyau-
    2:31 Oh wait the highlight in the eyes is too much-
  • always the every maids always steal the king i hate someone do that its hurts even the son or daugther don't want to replace their mom there kids will pay this there will be big the father was to replaced the mom HOW DARE IT" ME: PACIFY HIM! 😭😭
  • I love how the kids takes revenge for there mom...i love every vid new sub here😄 Btw 3:39 was the best edit i saw in my whole lifeee
  • @Maddie_1441
    legend says that the knights just stay young forever 💀
  • @ramnotise9053
    I am very surprised by the reaction of the maid who takes the place of the mother of the child. Do they think that if they took the position of their mother, then they should adore them? No, that's not how it works. After all, the child will take revenge in any case, the mother was his important component, like the father, only now the father betrayed and killed the mother, so isn’t revenge a normal reaction to something like once because of some maid was killed mother? Or I said something wrong? You can correct me.;-;