CropCircles Solved 0

Published 2021-07-18
We MUST exercise SKEPTICISIM to find the truth, but the skeptics have failed us here. "Two old men with ropes and boards'? Come-on! This "Sweep it under the rug", " pseudo-skepticism" just don't cut it for those of us who seriously want the truth about this phenomenon. Anybody can tell the difference between the rope and board Hoaxes with the kinked stalks and the "Real" phenomenon with the bent stalks and blown out nodes.----If we follow a chain of deductive reasoning, and forget about "space aliens", the real TRUTH about crop circles becomes evident.----Most all the evidence is accounted for. Questions remain, to be sure and the answers may disappoint, but this time we get a VIABLE "truth" rather than "space aliens" or "pseudo-skeptical" nonsense.

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