Starship Velociraptor

Published 2023-04-03

All Comments (21)
  • @CalebHyles
    So...when's the full season dropping? 👀
  • @sorcerous8401
    The animation is actually unreal here. The song is amazing but my god the visuals are insane for a YouTube music video, this looks AAA industry standard
  • @scar9264
    Took me about 10 listens to realize this was legit just a giant ad for a spaceship, but this is a fuckin banger!
  • @kylephoenix9396
    What I love about this is it's not just a song about the best spaceship ever. It's a song about an advertisement for the best spaceship ever.
  • This is the kind of fever dream all animators dreamt of doing when we started, and I am in absolute awe.
  • First “Starlight Brigade” and now “Starship Velociraptor”. Two music videos with incredible animation that we can’t have as tv shows :(
  • @Axquirix
    No car ad has ever made me want to buy a car, but this makes me want to buy a spaceship without even really emphasising that it's a bloody spaceship in the first place.
  • @hazamafenrir7403
    Eight months later, I still want a full blown anime in this style. It's absolutely gorgeous.
  • @Dusky_Mqn
    Dunno what I’ve just accidentally stumbled upon, but the animation’s fluidity tickles my eyes is an indescribable form.
  • I love how this perfectly encapsulates the feeling of an 80s cartoon theme that' has super cheesy and pretty on the nose lyrics but still goes incredibly hard. Not only that but the animation is absolutely SPECTACULAR and gives me tons of nostalgia for the old anime I grew up watching.
  • I thought this was an epic opening to an animated series that doesn't exist: Didn't realize until half way through that it was actually an add for a fancy space car
  • This is PERFECTION; my GOD y'all knocked it out of the park. The voice, the story, the animation, the ability to read the animation, the character design, the commentary, the parody. Like y'all were firing on ALL CYLINDERS man
  • Oh, my, goodness! This is an audio/visual feast of so many things building up untop of each other! Amazing amazing amazing work!
  • @sasha1mama
    I have to concede, "Velociraptor" is probably the best name for a swift mid-class frigate or light cruiser. "Fast bird of prey" is very fitting, and it has an unmistakable edge to it. The minute the Federals hear it, they know it, and they know it means trouble for somebody.
  • @lokiclaus9632
    This...makes me want to buy a starship. If more ads were like this, I wouldn't mind hearing ads so much.
  • @IRMentat
    So many animation techniques we don’t see anymore outside of shorts. Your work is fantastic, homage and update in one.
  • @bleares
    If I had a nickel for everytime I saw an incredible music video featuring indie animation with a sci-fi theme as a homage to 90s anime that i wanted adapted into a full show, i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's so cool it happened twice
    It's the need in her eyes for the best ship in the galaxy for me.... And the feeling of the hand caressing the face of her intergalactic destiny
  • @gingerfrog9546
    This really is peak aesthetics, holy shit. The color design drenched in purples, pinks, and blues, the emphatic use of text, the fashion, the sakuga, the Gurren Lagann reference 2:30, the Redline reference 0:41?!