The Game Of Backstabbing! | UNO (Online)

What's up random people of the internet!?
My name is Cyber aka Bree and welcome back to another awesome video!!!
Today I play the game that is known for its rage and backstabbing: UNO!
Lets see how good I can be in this online version!!!😉
(And I know what you must be thinking: Cyber! You're back!?- Well, no.. Not fully at least! I know that I haven't been posting for a long time, but YouTube has not see the last of Cyber Runner!!! I'll maybe post one more time before Sunday, and I will be back! I love this channel and all the possibilities it contains, so this won't be goodbye! 😉)
If your new here and you enjoyed this content, please hit the like button and comment down below what you want to see next!
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Anyway, my name is Cyber aka Bree and I'll cya people later!
Cyber Out!!!🙃

~~ Music ~~

•Something Just Like This

•Shatter Me


•Crusin For A Brusin

I do not own any of this music used in this video and will not take credit for it! No copyright plz lol!

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