a secret rendezvous with a celebrity idol (playlist)

Published 2021-08-01
I don't own any of the songs and pictures. Credits to the rightful owners.

All Comments (21)
  • He was the world's entire sunshine. The stage lights dazzling his figure, the screaming crowds of faces, and the high regard for his figure all indicate so. It was just a high school puppy love, you said. It was just a phase, you said. You never expected that right here and now, he would announce your engagement in the entire stadium. You wanted to come up right there and now, dragging him backstage and scold him. Probably kiss him out of happiness and anger. But you were stood into your place, frozen. He just announced that he was getting married to you, the secret over and a childhood friend. A high school crush turned into a beloved fiancee indirectly. Although it was a dodgy speech with spaces of your identity remain a mystery, most of the tabloids, the fans, and the producers knew that he was talking about you. A normal girl was hired as his personal assistant. A normal girl who just so happens to be a childhood friend from his old hometown before entering stardom with a long-distance relationship with him. But during those time period, you were expecting him to leave you, take a prettier girl than you and even better status than you. But he didn't. You are just his manager. Nothing more, nothing less. That's what your superior told you from day one. Suddenly, you felt chills in your back. old gazes of envious staff and an errand man directly operating from your boss was making a phone call. You knew they are trying to minimize the damage that your lover created on stage, thousands of screaming fans' shouts and yells amplifying the stadium. They are not going to let this go, you thought to yourself. You grimaced at the thought of getting blacklisted in the industry for this issue. You dreamt of becoming a director or a screenwriter one day. But you gave it up in order for him to shine. Brighter than diamonds and twinkle harder than the stars. You left the venue. You won't bother with all of those anymore. Just a few more weeks, he will probably forget about you. Just as those negative thoughts resurfaced into your being, a hand gently grabbed your arm. You turned around and it was the sun himself following you. "Look I'm sorry if I did that out of the blue!" He called out. You didn't say anything as you put your lips in a thin smile grimacingly. He noticed your hesitance and further continued. "I shouldn't keep our secret as you said but I'm happy that we're finally getting married..." He gave a merry grin to himself. His face gave you the same fluttery feeling you get whenever you get near him. "Elio... You idiot... You shouldn't have done that. That was too reckless! What if there are paparazzi around and ruin your reputation!" You lightly hit his head as he just laughed it off. You were fuming but you can't really stay angry with him for too long. You had to love him with all your heart. "I don't mind having a damaged reputation or my job getting removed as an idol be an obstacle. I have saved a lot of money for just us both! I will never leave you! Ever!" He spoke with determination. Your heart picked up speed and you felt your face getting hotter to this proclamation. "A-alright! Alright! Geez... Leaving your concert just for me. You are a real lovestruck fool... but I love that about you..." You muttered. He hugged you and he whispered, "I know." You felt your tears come up and reciprocated his hug. His warmth melted your entire being. Because of it, you didn't realize that some cameraman is capturing this tender moment sneakily. And it is currently being broadcasted on a large screen found at the center of the stadium. The fans were oddly supportive of the development. Some of them were even cheering for it while others are flabbergasted by shock. "Dang finally. This mutual pining has been going on for too long it's making my head spin." One of the fans said. "They weren't even subtle about it haha. Well, I'm happy for it regardless." "Especially the dang interviews. Trying to be subtle but it was super obvious he loved her even before his debut. Like none of us fans had no fricking chance in the first place. But still, I wish them a good life." "I'm gonna write a fanfic about this." The fans sang praises at their idol and wishing you and him to have a good marriage. You don't know what your superiors are going to say but you know, it's time to retire being a simple manager and be someone's bride.
  • @ablazee_
    I'm hysterically laughing on the floor but still crying like a mad person. I don't know how to feel after hearing that my celebrity fling is in a relationship with his co-worker. I should not be bothered with this; we didn't even have a label to begin with. I saw my phone just beside my bedpost. I wanted to call him, ask him if he just did it because his company instructed him. But do I even have the right to demand answers? I was just a girl to quench his thirst on the bed. My phone beeped, I wiped my tears and got up. It was a text from him. 'Let's end this. A paparazzi took a photo of us, and my manager already knows.' My eyes welled up with emotions that I had been holding back for a time. My pregnancy test, which I keep on my nightstand, now has two distinct lines.
  • I am gonna write a short Au . So here it goes : Its a bit long. He loved her . He knew he will love her till the last breath of his life . He thought of all those advices from his co workers , friends, manager, everyone that if he falls in love and stay with her then it will be the end of his career . He has everything in this world : millions of fans, multiple sports cars , no limit bank balance and astounding amount of talent , he was a very talented singer and now the whole music and entertainment industry around the world knew him. That huge his empire was . So everybody told him to threw the love . But how could he threw away something that is injected in every cell of his body . Some paparazzi took photo of him and her but thankfully her face was not cleared but even a blurred photo was enough to bring waves of questions towards his shore . Thats why he is here today . A press conference arranged by his company to deny every objection. Cameras clicking . Buzzed sounds of reporters. Full room of strangers. He sat down . All noises gets blurred around him until his eyes sets on two pairs of blue eyes in the room. Suddenly the tumultuous waves calmed down . A cool breeze flowed within him . She is here, he thought. He kept looking at her and she kept looking at him . No one breaking the gaze . He remembered just two days before all this shit how they spent the whole weekend in their beach house . Relaxing by the shore , making breakfast, lunch , dinner together. He remembered how his lips always found hers when she wore that lacy white dress with untangled dirty-blonde hairs of hers made her look like a godess. He remembered how intoxicating her scent was that he couldn't keep his hands , himself away from hers , each second they were burning in passion . Later when they lay bare next to each other he played his guitar and she singed along with him . He will never forget that feeling of attaining ultimate peace and happiness. And just when he felt he reached his final shore life had to fu*k it up. She kept looking at him . She knew how hard it was for him . When she decided to fall in love and be in a relationship with the no.1 singer in this world she knew the risks. Plus she is a journalist and connected to this industried for a over decade herself . She knows how this industries work very well and how there feeling is about dating. Inspite of everything whenever she remembers the feel of her finger raking through his hair and his lips deeply kissing and staying connceted to her and everytime her heart jumps out of his cage and the electric shock that her whole body feels from one look and touch of his makes her feel every risk till now was worth it and she doesn't regret an ounce of it and she knows neither does he . She stood up , gesturing to ask an question and his company picked hers. Her eyes lovked with him. She feels the burning sensation risingand forming a pit in her stomach. The situation was both nerve wrecking but at the same time locking eyes with him was making it so much more exciting. He looked at her and thought She was playing a very dangerous game and only if he could kiss her right now because that much excited he became . All nervous from moments ago are all gone now . She asked him with a smirk playing on her face " Everyone is saying the girl in the picture is your girlfriend . Is that the truth sir!?" He looked straight at her and said , " You have a beautiful hair . You look really beautiful" as soon as he said that he saw her cheeks get blushed and her eyes looked so soft , she muttered a thank you. He continued and this time he looked at her playing her game without breaking the eye contact just said,"what do u think!?" She smirked and replied ," I think she is " Everybody knew her as the most badass and straightforward yet most privacy respecting journalist in this industry. So the room was not that shocked. He just kept looking at her and kept feeling his own heartbeat which is beating so loud since the moment he saw her today that he is sure the whole room can hear it . He looked into her eyes they were challenging him, daring him tojump off the cliff once for what he wants not what the world expects and want for him. And so he jumped . He said without breaking his eyecontact with her ," Yes she is my girlfriend and I love her very much" . The moment he uttered those words he smiled , camera flashed intensively , reporters started writing and his managers and company people got agitate because this is a huge news. But he didn't care for nome of these. Across the room he saw her tears dropping from eyes ,trying hard to contain it ,not show and a small smile reserved only for him. He knew he made the right decission. She was still in shock but she knew every risk she took for him was worth it.
  • @TheZene666
    the only song im missing is one direction - perfect, other than that its sooo perfect
  • @ohflyaway77
    I'm writing a POV for a Marvel actor/actress, but all pronouns will be gender neutral and personalities will be vague! Hope you like it! We're in a cafe, drinking iced coffee and hot cocoa on a snowy morning. "No, no, Russo was not telling me what I was supposed to be doing! The stunts were so confusing, I-" They went on and on, waving their hands in emphasis. I loved the way they talked about their work. I wished I had a job, a life. Unfortunately, I'm the one who works late shifts at McDonald's. The one who fixes the McFlurry machine after it gets jammed. Sometimes I wonder if my partner ever gets tired of dating a nobody that no one recognizes. On one hand, that's a good thing, so no rumors can go around. On the other hand, it makes me feel a bit disappointed not to be noticed. "Do you ever get bored of having a nobody girlfriend/boyfriend/preferred?" I ask, wrapping my hands around the iced coffee I was drinking. Suddenly this cafe was very cold. My partner looked at me, concerned. "No, why would you-" A group of fans approaches them as my phone rings. My friend texted me. "Check Instagram." I swipe to my home screen, then click on the app. Guess who posted a pic with their partner. My partner. Or so I thought. Apparently, they're dating a supermodel. I stare at my phone, tears threatening to fall down my face. "Hey love, what were you- hey, are you okay?" They tilt their head, trying to see my face. I shove the face of my phone into their face. "So I guess you were bored dating a nobody," I say, tears now falling. "What? No, the Russo brothers didn't get as up hype for the next movie as they thought, so they staged a relationship to get noti-" They try to say, but I'm already up and out, lifting my middle finger for all to see.
  • Why would someone dislike this absolute masterpiece >:( Anyways I was working on something and I think it fits! Gender neutral pronouns for both the reader and idol, as well as a gender neutral name for our lovely idol! Can be read as platonic or romantic bc idk which one it is : During long work days you longed to spend time with them, hidden away from a world searching for Eliot who was cloaked by your warm smiles and friendly teasing. The world would theorize about where Eliot went all those evenings but would never guess they were with you, dancing in the kitchen to no music or gazing at the stars. Every once in a while Eliot would offer to tell them about you, to announce that the one he needed most was and always had been you. You didn't need the world to know, though. You were perfectly content sitting in soft shadows to catch them if they were to fall. Or, at least, that's what you told yourself. Sometimes at night you could catch a thought about how you wished people knew your name, or at least that Eliot had someone there for them. You try not to care but sometimes you want to be known. But when you look at them now, eyes shining softly in dull light and shadows caressing their face, you know it's all just right. Everything is, from the way the light attracts a moth that flits about lazily to the way their guitar echos off the empty walls. A building so bare and empty of life should be lonely and usually gives you the creeps, but now it feels so full of a quiet fulfillment. You rest your head on Eliot's back as you enjoy the vibrations of their voice as they sing as you stare out the window at the rain falling. It's all just so peaceful, you can't help but wish the moment would never pass. But it does, and that's okay.
  • @Denniselifeeee
    Me: im busy talk to you later bye open yt search for the playlist so I can have a fake scenario in my mind
  • @callmecharlie.
    This was my fake scenario for many years, I would never think that it could be true and well..... Now it is ❤️ . . . Don't stop dreaming, never! Your star will find you one day.
  • @user-us1wx7zv4c
    진짜 취저 플리다; Holy s**t! Im listen second plu, but this one is f**ckin awesome!! Plz fix me before u up.