My copy of More Railway Stories read by Willie Rushton

Published 2011-02-08
Requested by cyril227ify. I got this from last year.
The stories on here are Hullo Twins, The Missing Coach, Break Van, The Deputation, Thomas come to Breakfast, Daisy, Bulls Eyes, Percy's Predicament, Special Funnel, Stea m Rollers, Passengers and Pollish, Gallant old Engine, Bluebells of England, Stephen's Special, Train Stops Play, Bowled Out, Mountain Engine, Had Look Out, Danger Points, Devil's Back, Crosspatch, Bundling Bronco, Stick in the Mud, Duck and Dukes. To listen to the stories you can find them on Newcontroller01's channel

All Comments (18)
  • @cyril227ify
    Very nicce! I will have to keep a look out for this one!
  • @RingoandCarlin
    It got worn from light. I bought it used, but as I said before it plays great.
  • @RingoandCarlin
    @RailwayStories1 Sure thing, also I don't know where Further Railway Stories is, its super rare, but I do know that Newcontroller01 has all Railway Stories recordings on his channel
  • Thought so, but which is the original colour, blue or green? At least it plays well! :)
  • @RailwayStories1
    Hey, what is the serial number for this cassette? I know that "THE Railway Stories" is 1058, so I reckon it's near that. :) BTW, do you know if anyone has Further Railway Stories??
  • Can you please help me know several things of the Rushton-narrated rws books?: 1 - Please, mention the stories' tittles in a sentence each - "Percy & The Signal", "Percy Takes The Plunge", "Gordon Goes Foreign", "Thomas Comes To Breakfast", "Passengers & Polish", "Train Stops Play", "Bowled Out", "Duck & Dukes", "Edward's Exploit", "Tenders For Henry", and "Toad Stands By". Also, mention this book's tittle: "Duck & The Diesel Engine". 2 - I wonder if there are any references to British Rail or the UK in: "4 Little Engines" (book), "Percy The Small Engine" (RWS book) (like a Sunday school, or if Duck mentions about Paddington's GWR engines), and "Tramway Engines".... Plus, what about "Edward The Blue Engine" (RWS book) (like Trevor's church fete), "Branch Line Engines" (like as if Daisy's BR 'cycling loin' logo refers to Metro-Cammell), "Gallant Old Engine" (book) (like a giesl ejector on BR and Edward-Thomas), "Mountain Engines" (like where in England did Culdee go, as Donald says so), "Small Railway Engines" (like where in England did Rex, Mike, and Bert come from), "Oliver The Western Engine" (RWS book) (like Bank Holiday in Devon in the West Country, Oliver's BR logo refers to Devonshire's region, and visitors from Isle Of Mann), and "Duke The Lost Engine" (RWS book) (like wasn't there any 2nd World War events in Wales and Isle Of Mann, too)? 3 - I'd like to find real-life events of these stories, as I already know most information for the rest: "Saved From Scrap" (like wasn't the traction-engines that the East Anglian vicar and Teddy Boston each owned saved from the scrap-heap?), "Duck Takes Charge", "Gordon Goes Foreign" (like did a real express engine derail at Barrow?), "Sir Topham Hatt's Engines", "Pop Goes The Diesel" (like did a real diesel engine fail trying to haul rotten, rusty trucks with stiff brakes?), "Dirty Work" (besides "Galloping sausage" nickname, wasn't there ever a real steam GWR engine blocked from a shed, too?)", "Trucks!" (Like wasn't there ever a similar accident to Peter-Sam's at the Talyllyn incline quarry, or any other narrow-gauge incline?), "Home At Last" (like did Douglas's cab ever scrape against a tunnel, before coming to the Talyllyn?), "Rock-N-Roll" (like did Douglas ever derail?), "Hullo, Twins!", "The Missing Coach", "Daisy" (like did a real railcar arriving on a branch line have issues with hauling freight?), "Special Funnel" (like besides a giesl ejector, I feel like I once heard the bridge-out and broken funnel were inspired by incident on the Corris), "Bluebells Of England", (like was the story mostly inspired by how Stepney was escaped from scrap (like the 4th page), and first arrived on the bluebell line (like on the 5th page), just like on TV?), "Stepney's Special", the "Very Old Engines" stories (like did Talyllyn, in its early days, had trouble steaming, cause someone to fall off its footplate after bouncing so much, and get stuck in a mud slide, and what was the Talyllyn's centenary like?), "The Diseasel", "Ballast" (like maybe the Arlesdale engines' real-life basics' real arrival on the Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway?), "Useful Railway" (like the 1905 Murthwaite crash), "Tenders For Henry" (like a steam tender engine hauling a line of old, rusty tenders to be scrapped in 1968), "Escape", "Little Western" (like wasn't there a real GWR tank engine that escaped to the South Devon Railway from scrap?), "Donald's Duck" (besides the Disney character reference, like are there sometimes birds trying to nest on engines' bunkers or tenders?), "Toad Stands By" (like did a GWR engine ever yank a rolling stock apart?), "You Can't Win!" (Similar to "Old Faithful" and "The Gallant Old Engine" with an old narrow-gauge engine braving a journey with his passenger train despite feeling short of steam), "Ghost Train", "Woolly Bear", and "Mavis".