Why I'm Getting in the Best Shape of My Life Before 40

Published 2023-08-23
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All Comments (21)
  • @DorianDevelops
    If you’re struggling, consider therapy with our sponsor BetterHelp. Click betterhelp.com/DorianDevelops for a 10% discount on your first month of therapy with a licensed professional specific to your needs.
  • @paulg666
    I just never stop playing. Nearly 60 and I still go for walks with my daughter sitting on my shoulders (she's 23yo). Play, workout, have fun, and we stay young.
  • @NelCapeTown
    You actually had me in full-on sobbing after the ad of the old man lifting the kettle bell. I used to be in excellent shape until about 45. I'm 56 now and even though I lost weight since taking my dog for a walk every single day, I know that I should be in much better shape. By telling me your story (and not preaching) you motivated me to want to start bringing my A-game to the table again. I used to tell people life is about experience and I used to experience what it feels like to turn heads walking down the street because of my physique. And that my life is richer for also knowing what it feels like having to suck in my stomach and get totally winded from something as mundane as tying my shoe laces or clipping my toenails. But all of that is just rationalizing the fact that I quit caring altogether. And it's time for that to change. I don't want to be 35 again, but I want to feel a bounce in my soon to be fifty-seven-year-old step again, and for that I have only you to thank. Watching this just now was literally serendipitous and I'm hoping to post a much more accountability-infused update on your channel three months from today.
  • @WinstonCodesOn
    I'm 38, I know what you mean about being able to pick up your kid. That motivates me to work out, but also seeing my dad get sick in his old age left an impact on me as as child. I don't want to get as crippled as he was from just letting himself go. Smoking, donuts, and no exercise = heart failure and cancer.
  • @DanielCarrizalez
    Great video Dorian, I am on a similar path of getting in the best shape of my life by the time I reach 50. I am 48 years old.
  • @dabunnisher29
    51M here with 6 pack and cut. I am a late Father. My Son is 5, and I knew that I had to keep as fit/healthy as much as I can for him. I totally feel you on this video. For those of you in your late 40's and 50's, it's not too late. Running, Pushups everyday, weight lifting, half crunches and healthy eating. If you need motivation: David Goggin's, Can't Hurt Me audiobook. Man, it's so good. Really great video Dorian!!!!!!
  • @RenatoL17
    This video had me losing it when you presented the commercial with the grandfather in conjunction with you sharing your story. I'm 40, I'm not a father but if I ever become one, I must be in shape. I think that doing it for ourselves first is right too, and I'm really at a low point in my life today. Getting in shape should help crawl out of that dark period and go towards the light. Thank you for your video 🙏🏻
  • @richi1273
    Damn that´s what i needed to hear today, thanks Dorian ^^ I´m only 23, but to hear such words of wisdom from a older person is a blessing. I´m gonna make the next year MY Year of achieving my fitness goals.
  • @trentbosnic
    Your videos are so freaking relatable to me. I have a baby girl and nearly every guy in my circle with kids has let themselves go physically, I thought the same would happen to me… but its been the opposite. I’ve been working out way more consistently than ever, and I’m in the best shape ever. Having a kid has only motivated me to get in better shape because I wanna be a role model. And just in practical terms, it’s gonna make carrying her around without inuring myself easier, I don’t need any more motivation than that.
  • @nataliab.9725
    That's beautiful to hear Dorian! I hope you reach all your goals and I wish more fathers were like you. Keep up the good work, love from Italy ☺
  • @darqueronin3935
    Looking good Brother! You've come so far IN ALL THINGS, you are an impressive man! I'm proud to have witnessed your progression! 👍🏾💪🏾
  • @Philosific
    What ive found that works, is finding a routine that you enjoy.
  • @trardo890
    Great video! 100% I can relate!! Self reflection is a powerful tool that not everyone uses unfortunately. You're doing great so keep up the great work! I tell my kids every day before they leave for school to do their best in everything they do. My son the other day told me "I always do dad!" When he told me that I got choked up a bit lol
  • @mischavandenburg
    Definitely inspiring to see how you have managed to go up and down in weight and ending up in your current shape. My story is similar and I've lost 20kg over the past 2 years, now I'm trying to get rid of the final 5kg and getting in proper shape. I went from running 10 minutes to 15km. My main motivator is longevity. Keep up the good work!
  • @1v1z
    Great video. Good stuff Dorian, blessings to you and your family.
  • @kristinekyle1260
    Thank you ❤ I really need to take in this message for myself and my kids. I want the same. Keep up the great work!
  • @Mudi2783
    Thank you for this video 🙏 It means a lot te me to hear someone being so honest and personal. You inspired me and made me realize again how proud I am of all that I have overcome and that I didn't give up. It makes me feel a little bit more free every day and I feel happy even if life is hard on me. Oh and I'm jealous of your kids bedroom, it's beautiful!💚