Blue Hydrogen. The greatest fossil fuel scam in history?

Published 2021-09-05
Blue hydrogen is being enthusiastically promoted by natural gas producers as the simplest and cheapest answer to decarbonising our economies. But recent studies have shown that it's overall greenhouse gas emissions footprint is worse than natural gas. So, is this just the latest in a long series of diversions and deceptions from the fossil fuel industry?

Peer reviewed paper : "How Green is Blue Hydrogen?"

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Research links

UK Hydrogen Strategy…

UN assessment of methane…

Chris Jackson resignation…

Methane leaks……

Blog piece by Paul Martin…

IEA paper on CCUS…

New York Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act…

All Comments (21)
  • @BenMitro
    Not in Australia, we are still in the 1900's in relation to fossil fuels, therefore 2050 is around 150 years away at least...we've got plenty of time.
  • @robsengahay5614
    I always had my suspicions about hydrogen given how neatly it fits into the traditional supply chains for gas and oil. The trick was to convince the gullible that hydrogen is ‘clean’ and then trust that people wouldn’t look too closely at the means of supply.
  • @tobiasL1991
    That final point is a great one, the fact remains we need hydrogen for multiple vital processes, but we do not in any way shape or form need it to heat our homes or cook.
  • @johnway9853
    Sir, you are just simply fabulous at deciphering and distilling for the rest of us the truths we all need to understand. Thank You.
  • @dann6067
    "The earth has enough for every man's need, but not for every mans greed." - Gandhi
  • @Jeemus.
    Your presentation makes these videos fun, despite the depressing subject matter, which is no small feat!
  • @dstarley
    I'm a chemical engineer so I find the hydrogen economy argument very interesting. I was so disappointed when I saw the UK government's hydrogen strategy and how much focus it places on blue hydrogen. I do think the scientific report makes some questionable assumptions, but even so it's obvious that a sustainable future should not remain reliant on fossil fuel extraction...
  • @zber9043
    Green hydrogen solves problem of clean construction (cement, steel), renewable grid power variability, heavy transport, shipping, flight. We should be investing a lot more in developing green hydrogen. But it should be mainly powered by zero marginal cost renewable energy I.e. an adjunct of large investment and overcapacity in solar and wind.
  • If it were not so deadly serious, the wriggling and weaselling by the fossil fuel industry would be hilarious. However, it is deadly serious. Any H2 derived from fossil source, be they solid, liquid or gas are environmentally counter productive, particularly when you include thermodynamic losses. Any process that transforms energy from one form to another is NEVER 100% efficient. Therefore ALL forms of H2 energy use are inherently inefficient. H2 only makes sense when no other energy source works - for example one possibility being aircraft propulsion. Unfortunately the fossil fuel industry is far to wealthy and far too short on honest evaluation and far too short on imaginative thinking to do anything but their current campaign. It's not disinformation. It's lies - to themselves and to the public
  • This is great! (It exudes commonsense). My grump is how most hydrogen stories seem to be carbon capture stories in disguise. Carbon capture is a real problem. My point being the notion of carbon capture has become one of the most lethal ruses used by politicians to avoid taking urgent action (avoiding hard decisions) and by fossil fuel industry as a way of sustaining oil demand. Carbon capture is just so unknown and unreliable we really should not let politicians set plans that depend on it. But how?
  • @replevideo6096
    I wish that someone would run a similar study on ethanol added to petrol, and actually crunch the numbers. I suspect that ethanol offers little or no CO2 saving because making it is energy intensive and because it has a considerably lower energy density than petrol. A car will consume more fuel to travel a kilometre and more fuel during acceleration. In addition E10 can damage many cars currently on the road by damaging seals in the engine and causing steel fuel tanks to rust from the inside (ethanol is hygroscopic). Leaking seals in the fuel system and rusting tanks could cause a fire risk.
  • From what I've read, hydrogen for home use is not a goer for a couple of reasons 1. with our current pipelines there will be loads of leaks through the joints due to hydrogen is a smaller molecule. 2. hydrogen is highly corrosive and will corrode the pipelines
  • @mafarmerga
    Five words: CARBON CAPTURE DOES NOT WORK! It reminds of when cigarette manufacturers put "filters" on their coffin nails. How did that work out for us?
  • @marcdefaoite
    Consistently the best climate channel on the interwebs.
  • @kam8460
    It's sad how well it's worked too. Politicians are completely on board which of course, they're on the corporate payroll, so there is effectively nobody standing in the way of this other than the scientists they've been ignoring for decades. These people are fine with trading human extinction for short term profits. That's the level of insanity that our system encourages.
  • @RolfStones
    "So a new category has now been dreamt up, I mean developed". Well done 👍🤣
  • @saberxebeck
    Another wonderful video! These videos must take absolutely ages to make. I often follow up youre videos by reading those links and papers to help build my understanding and knowledge too. Thank you!
  • @jonbeecroft1102
    I was at the seaside with my grandchildren last week. It was near high tide and there was a distinct horizontal tide line on the rocks about half a metre above the water. Then I thought, where would that line be with a worst case sea level rises of perhaps 2m in 80 years. It is really frightening. Greedy old people really should care. Dave, you are a hero, along with all the other people exposing these greedy people for what they are doing and what they plan to do to our little planet.
  • every pound is a seedling, invest your seedling to creat a tree,re-invest your seedling to creat a forest. to become rich you must value savings more than spending
  • @wakannnai1
    Green Hydrogen is not only the future for a lot of heavier unconnected industries but it's also the only way. Industries like the Trucking industry and Aviation industry have much higher power requirements compared to car transportation where EVs will do well. Blue hydrogen should not be tolerated. It does more damage than good.