Gena Kim 지나킴: Hyuna - Be Be, 현아 - 베베, kpop dance cover

Published 2018-11-13
지난번에 같이 찍은 영상 이제 올려용 ~

Do not judge and be nice with the comments, please. :D
Sharing my hobby here.


I have really, purely been loving dancing since I was pretty young.

I've been doing dance covers since I was in primary school. I learned them by myself. I loved being in talent shows and being part of cheer leaders. Since I didn't have many chances to do these kind of actives as I started to study overseas when I was around 13, I just kept it to myself and it just became my stress relief workout thing. Then, I decided to keep records for myself and also share on Youtube while I am still young. haha


Visit my instagram if you wish

All Comments (11)
  • @peekabuu8452
    힐이 진짜 잘 어울리시고 힐에서도 춤 잘 추시네요. 시간이 지나도 몸매 관리 잘 되고.. 더 좋아지는 느낌까지 듭니다. 100명이 칭찬해도 1명이 악플 달 수도 있는데 혹시 그런 일 생겨도 무시하기를 :)
  • @yhn6338
    웃는모습 넘모 이쁘심~