
Published 2024-06-30
Tony's Socials:

My Instagram : www.instagram.com/tony_capatch?igsh=bnZsN2dkZWxjd3…

Podcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/ccr_tz?igsh=bXV4MWhwYzl2bW54

YouTube: youtube.com/@tonycapatch?si=6zA5PFwBEVxhcnuc

Facebook: www.facebook.com/share/wJ7CjVgCzaCNGitn/?mibextid=…

I saw a video of Tony online recently and was really blown away by his Chinese. Afterwards, I really hope to have the chance to interview him and get to hear his story. Thankfully he had some free time to meet up at his gym for a chat.

Even though he’d already graduated high school, Tony came to Taiwan in 2010 as an exchange student with the Rotary Club. Since he thought he’d only be here for a year, he didn’t go to class much, and spent most of his time cruising around with his newly found Brazilian buddies.

After a year, he decided Taiwan was a decent place and decided to stay. His parents thought he was crazy because he hadn’t gone to college, have a job, know Chinese, or have any money saved up. Despite this, Tony got a scholarship to study at one of Taiwan’s best medical universities. Graduating was a challenge because he’d only been studying Chinese for a year and now was surrounded by Taiwan’s top 1% of students. However, by living in the dorms for two or three years, Tony was in an immersive environment and now speaks amazing Chinese.

During his fourth year, Tony’s grades dipped and he lost his scholarship. He had to stop studying for a while and take on work at a night club as a champagne boy and also as a male escort. However, Tony’s best client wasn’t a woman, but a Taiwanese-American gangster. According to Tony, most people that went to his escort bar were women with failed marriages. Thus, they were looking for an emotional connection that as a foreigner, Tony had trouble providing.

Eventually, Tony was able to graduate from college and is happy with his choice to stay in Taiwan. He enjoys a level of freedom here that he wouldn’t in the States. One, because he said his home town has little prospects, and two, when you are around family, their expectations constrict your choices. He said that Taiwanese people he meets also want to do their own thing, but say that traditional culture’s emphasis on filial piety prevents them from doing so. For Tony, that is the price of freedom, being willing to leave your comfort zone and loved ones.

Tony also got out of night life once he realized it was a never-ending spiral of drinking again and again. Now he’s happily married and runs a podcast with his Taiwanese wife. He plans on staying in Taiwan indefinitely because the States is dangerous and expensive.

All Comments (21)
  • @Tonycapatch
    各位大家好 很感謝所有的人支持我 看到這些留言感動 我也很開心可以去跟Teddy面談這些 其實我們當天面談錄影的時間都超過4.5小時😂 希望後來搞不好有機會可以講更多更深層的話題跟想法/概念😉😘 You were an absolute legend with the interview Teddy. Thanks for the opportunity to share with you and your audience 🙏🏻🔥✌🏻
  • @Catcvc
  • @TG4KHD
  • @FantasyNova
    柯龍講中文真的腔調沒啥老外的感覺 我覺得有下功夫 講得好好
  • @KuoTungFan
  • @lisanewsvideo
    柯龍一旦認真起來,發現自己的潛力無敵,重新創造自己的樣子真的很棒 真的別理會有些不正常觀念的人胡言亂語,他們自以為在影響別人人生,別被影響,任何國家都有怪怪人
  • @gorgeous1737
  • @ElsaLinn
  • 駡柯龍老婆這樣的男人,品格不會好到哪裡?很佩服柯龍的勇氣,真的。
  • @jasonn5260
  • @w____1021
  • @realmr2001
  • 好久以前就看柯龍上節目到現在,一直覺得他是很融入台灣生活文化的外國人之一
  • @Lplp-hb5ds
    別人只是嫉妒你,不要理他 大家都是自由的,又沒有得罪他
  • 兩位的中文都呱呱叫👍代表有心想要認識台灣文化的。
  • 每次看到柯龍,他的樣貌都會讓我想到以前的石馬克。 也是高壯的體型。
  • @mimihello4410