Jotun ~ All Bosses

Published 2016-09-01
All bosses from Jotun beaten without use of god powers. This game is amazing. Go buy it.


Skeleton (Miniboss) - 0:03
Jera - 1:29
Fé - 4:49
Isa - 8:38
Hagalaz - 12:22
Kaunan - 16:06
Odin - 20:41

All Comments (21)
  • The animations are gorgeous, even that big fat tree lady animates so well.
  • @fable23
    This is a weird quibble, but it really bothers me that none of these giant enemies even tries to step on you. Like, come on Jotun. If a cockroach with an axe started hacking away at my ankles, my first instinct would not be to grab a sword. That foot is coming down, it's coming down hard. I'm gonna be dancing until that thing is dead.
  • @CasualGit
    Oh my lord! this game looks gorgeous! like a painting in motion
  • @RobertPatrician
    Wow this looks like an amazing game. If I didn't have blind spots in my vision I'm sure I'd love playing it.
  • Makes me wonder why half of giant bosses and enemies die from cutting their foot a lot in most games. Glad this game atleast makes most bosses fall down for few moments to be hit in head.
  • @genobrosX
    This game is beautiful and a true testament to the majesty of Norse mythology. Everything had a weight to it, like the PC was actually fighting giants made of stone and earth that could crush mere mortal men. This game also does a great job of really bringing out Norse mythology's potential visually, especially the ginnungagap.
  • @Megafauna1
    These boss fights are pretty good. All the bosses have a good variety of attacks that are all well-telegraphed; they also have secondary phases in which the difficulty is increased. These are some of the core components to a good standard boss battle.
  • Odin: Come Viking, to claim your reward Me: The Ultimate power in the universe, The Tri-Force.
  • @Aaxoz
    I like how there's fucking giant epic beings fight you, then there's just you swinging you're Axe down there.
    The two bosses that are the best: Jera( That intro and death though ) Hagalaz( Jesus she is terrifying ) Mediocre: Kaunan( Fast attacks but way too much time to attack ) Odin( A mishmash of other bosses, doesn't have much to show off ) Booooring: Fe( Le slow smashy mc smash with occasional yell ) Isa( Only cool attack is the tornado )
  • @eugenelim5515
    These graphics are GORGEOUS. Jotun find this quality around much nowadays.
  • @Cthulu1985
    Ok, are the characters talking in Old Norse? If they are: kudos. That level of detail and world building is staggering and awe-inspiring.