The Children of the Forest's Secret Plan | What Game of Thrones Couldn't Show You (How ASOIAF Ends)

Published 2024-03-15
Welcome back for another Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire video. In this video, I am going over one of the many ways George R.R. Martin might end his A Song of Ice and Fire saga. I believe the Children of the Forest have a secret plan to win the Game of Thrones. This might also explain how and why Bran Stark became the King of Westeros at the end of Game of Thrones. This ultimately reveals how the story will end for the Children of the Forest, Bloodraven, Bran Stark, and maybe even the Night's King. This is how Game of Thrones should have ended. It would have been a far more interesting conclusion. Let me know what you think in the comment section. Thanks for watching!

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All Comments (21)
  • @TalkingThrones
    This is a remake of a video I released over 5 years ago before Game of Thrones ended. I still think there are some great ideas in the original video, but I hate the way it was produced. I can't help but cringe whenever I go back and listen to some of my old videos, for various reasons, and I wanted to make some slight changes to the overall theory. Most of the "evidence" is the same, but I wanted to give it a different ending. Just to clarify, I don't think Bran will turn into an ice zombie like we saw in the show. I think he will still look exactly the same, more or less, but it will be his mind that is corrupted. Let me know what you think if you make it all the way through. Thanks for watching!
  • @bambi42
    I have many times thought that Martin made a trap to Benioff and Weis telling them that Bran will become the king, but in reality Bran will become the Night King.
  • @LarisaBayaMomo
    This one of the best videos and theories I've seen in a while.
  • @GnosticInformant
    this is exactly what crossed my mind when I watched GOT for the second time and noticed how different Bran becomes when he comes back beyond the wall and Meera is upset with him and leaves as if she knew he was dead and gone. Also, Bran knew he was going to become King, and accepted the Kingship as if it was his plan the entire time! The 3 eyed raven won the Game of Thrones without anyone noticing.
  • @johncrafton8319
    This is exactly why I think D&D were the wrong people for the job. They seriously did not understand the source material, nor did they seem to care.
  • @lordtx90
    D&D not just ruined some plot lines but each and every one of them .. but the best part is they lost the star wars show for which they rushed and ruined GoT
  • @bakionigeri6414
    Talking thrones, you see how when you're crafting a theory or story, you consistently reference the books? That's the type of energy we need for all the game of thrones shows. After season 4 they should have hired you to take it from there.
  • If you read previous George Martin writing like And Seven Times Never Kill Man! (which has bachalon the pale child which we have in ice and fire, and the golden core which are bunch of genticists , Planetos is probably located in 1000 worlds) and current one like Elden ring which is literally about a tree collecting souls. The theme always is about a supernatural system that kind of takes over a group of species, eventually dumping them for new ones. Kind of like the bank of Bravos quote, you can take a stone out of the bank temple but the temple keeps its form. The Weirwood network installed itself amongst different species like the children of the forest and now with Bran it will take over the humans since the children are dying out. The others probably want to destroy it because its trying to take control of them
  • As someone who has never read the books i wish they used this material. It explained so much and would have been awesome to see on screen
  • @buddhastl7120
    The only way the show makes sense is if a later show tells us Bran/Bloodraven is the true villain of the show representing humanity’s greed that will one day destroy the world and the White Walkers were created to keep him from destruction
  • @carolbriscoe9337
    The way Bran changed by his return to Winterfell, I assumed the Children had control of him. Their ultimate victory would be having Bran, their puppet, king of Westeros
  • @SithScribe21
    Such a genius theory! Thanks for sharing!! Love your ASOIAF/GoT content, looking forward for more — til then, I’ll be awaiting more corn 🌽
  • @potakos25
    This could set things for the “ SNOW” show. That the night king is now the king of Westeros 😮
  • Great video. I still think your alternate version of the last season, and a next one were way better than ending we got.
  • @praetorian3902
    The way I always looked at it is the 3 Eyed Raven got tired of being a tree and decided to be the ruler of Westeros instead. So he guided Bran to his cave, supplanted Bran's consciousness with his own (hijacked his body basically by transferring his consciousness into Bran somehow) and took the actions and lack of action needed for him to end up as King. He needed someone who was nobility because hijacking the body of a "childen of the forest" wouldn't do - imagine a nobody coming to King's Landing and claiming the throne, he would be rejected if not thrown in a dungeon instantly. No legitimacy.
  • @emmyland3162
    Bran was so off, I hadn’t thought the 3ER had taken him but that the Night King had. I also just realised and can’t believe I never saw it before. The stones around the tree with the COTF have the same pattern the Others make with the limbs at Last Hearth. I agree too the CTOF and the Others are either in alliance or different breeds perhaps of one enemy. At one time, Bran is asked what the Others want, and he said 'Me.' If that was 3ER responding, why does NK want him? And who ends up on The Iron Throne then? Bran? or 3ER? or NK? And if the CTOF still live, can they not make another Other? I just struggle to accept they were defeated but there are many things I struggle to accept about the show's endings.
  • @Tina-tmd16
    Awesome I hope this would happen keep em coming TT
  • @Yosemite_sam694
    The children of the forest and the blood raven is one of those mystical elements im not sure George has fully thought out yet
  • @crazybanana331
    Love this ❤ I’m glad I’m not the only one who can’t move on from Brynden Rivers’ and children of the forest clear involvement in what happened😂
  • @0311CARR
    The Snow show should retcon or redo season 8. If not, we need the white walkers / wights to still be around. Also we need to see the isle of faces, the green men and House Reed.