My Theory and Opinion on the New YouTube Monetization Policy (Outro Included)

Published 2018-01-21
What's up my fellow Sh0ckas? It's me, Sh0ckosan, back again with a slightly different kind of video. This time, I'm giving my opinion on the new rules and guidelines for the YouTube Partnership Program, and even theorizing as to why it's happening at all, (more than the Logan Paul topic, which is part of it I'm sure), and that's because Net Neutrality being repealed. I explain more in the video.

As for my opinion on the matter, I think it's completely fine and actually a good thing (to an extent). It's about quality control more than anything, that and saving money by making sure it goes to the people who are on their way to becoming successful YouTubers and not just money to someone to uploads any video.

Also there's an outro on this video. It's not perfected yet as far as in video links and the layout, but it's progress to looking more like a professional at least.

MINI UPDATE: I don't go over this in video because it happened after the fact, but I have a graphics card from a friend lined up, and apparently it's a pretty high quality card according to some. (whether it's actually any good is anyone's guess). The job I had lined up probably won't work out because i hurt my knee, and factory work is nearly impossible with a bum knee (plus I don't want factory work anyway lol), but I have a plan otherwise.

KONGMAN21:    / @kongman21   (stats were higher than I thought initially)



Things should be happening soon, Sh0ckas, stay epicly awesome!

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