Opening Up: Burn Out, PMDD, YouTube Frustrations | Coffee Chat

Published 2019-06-24

All Comments (10)
  • @VickyBermudez
    Hi friends. I just wanted to thank you for allowing me to vent my issues/frustrations in this video. While this is my channel, I still feel weird posting something like this. I'm not exactly my usual self and feel like I'm just complaining. But like I said, I want to be real and myself here too. The things shared in this video is stuff I've been holding in for a while now, so I wanted to finally share & let it all out. Rest assured there will be another video this week. Thank you and love you 💖
  • @Marissa_1989
    Hi Vicky! I have a few things I would really like to say. I am so happy to be a part of your community. I have a 20 year old daughter, Emily, who you may see a comment from occasionally, and she and I love to see a video pop up from you! She calls you one of her sisters, (along with Rachel Maksy) and I just say that I'm adopting you since we already share a name! Lol Anyway, my daughter is much like you, very driven and motivated. She is creative in her own way as a theater major and has experienced some of the same emotional/mental health concerns that you mentioned, especially anxiety. Recently in our search to find some answers for her we were referred to a hormone specialist who did a panel of bloodwork on her and found some extreme issues with some of her hormone levels. The doctor was able to prescribe some specific hormone medication to help her level out. It has been approximately a month now and she is starting to see some improvement. Maybe that is something you can consider looking into. It is so worth it if it helps you feel better. At the end of the day, being with those you love and being happy is what's most important. If you need to take a little hiatus, I for one can promise you, will be right here waiting for you when you get back. Sometimes we just need a break. It might ease your mind and your heart and rejuvenate you to come back better than ever. Don't get me wrong, we will miss you! But we just adore you as a person and want you to feel better and be happy! I live near the Mississippi Gulf Coast so I'm clear across the country from you but just know I care and I'll be praying for you. I will pray for God to guide you on what He would have you to do and that He would work things out for your good! Hang in there my YouTube daughter! You are loved! ❤
  • @cherylpoe834
    I feel all of this so much. I’ve definitely noticed a lot of people feeling like this so I think this video is super helpful and good to talk about. I can really tell how much effort you put into your videos and I think they always turn out amazing. I totally get what you’re saying though. Like your content is genuinely great and I think it is the algorithm and it’s so shitty and unfair. As far as posting I get that too. I get stressed about what I’m posting and if it’s good and if it fits my theme and I’ve gotten to a point (mostly) where I just post what I want and try not to worry about it and it really has been a tiny weight lifted off me. Do what works for you and what makes you happy, your happiness and mental health is so important. I know I get stressed and anxious if I’m not creating music as often as I can. Really I feel like a lot of this stuff with my music. Like I try so hard and stress so much about it and I feel like it doesn’t even amount to anything in my eyes and in other people’s. Totally relate. Take as many breaks as you need, take care of yourself. You’re amazing and I love you and I appreciate how hard you work. This is actually good for me because I’m feeling these things too it’s just nice to be able to relate and hear someone else’s thoughts and insight too 💕
  • Vicky!!! Ohmygoodness, sorry it took me so long to watch this. It felt like listening to a very similar video I made when I burnt out on YT last year... like literally everything you said! I'm glad you're being more kind to yourself, that's what I had to do once my body not only burnt out mentally but physically. It forced me to discontinue my other youtube channel and merge into this one, even if it wasn't the smartest move, it's made me sooo much happier! I think your videos are SO well done and creative and unlike anything I've seen on YT! I'll be happy to watch when you feel up to it, or maybe you can find a way to express yourself otherwise. I totally understand the struggle and here if you ever wanna chat! Xx -Lindsay Dianne
  • Hi Vicky! I am so sorry you are going through all this, but I am so very grateful you uploaded this video. You really highlighted just how multifaceted these struggles can be, and no, that needs no apology. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us. I love and look forward to your videos and instagram, but more than that, I love seeing the light that you exude. Please take care of your light, even if that means stepping back from us a bit. ❤❤❤
  • Sending you a big hug my friend. I know how you feel. I’ve been having anxiety like I never had before lately. Take care. I am here to support you in any way I can. ❤️
  • @theaccount2964
    Wow vicky I love you genuinely I stumbled on one of your videos and ever since I've been attached I understand your frustration its not fair your this criminally underrated but do not stop doing what your doing because I promise you your going to get the recognition you deserve. ❤ and sorry to drag on but don't ever change yourself Im sick of fucking insta and having to do anything just to be noticed by some people vicky your so great and somtimes the best things in life go unnoticed. Trust me you will get the recognition you deserve . I don't get this generation we live in I hate that people that are diffrent and unique never get recognition but I love you and all your content if you need a break take one and I'll be there all the way ❤💕💕💕
  • @RubysMusings
    I just wrote a whole "book" hit a wrong button ....POOF Gone! OMG....anyway ...I just want to say I 100 percent relate. I will DM you tomorrow on IG with my further thoughts.