Joe Columbo: The Youngest Godfather That Redefined The Mafia | Mafia's Greatest Hits

Published 2024-05-05
Joe Columbo, a mid-ranking mobster who broke traditional mafia codes by protesting against the FBI and initiating civil rights activism. Through archival footage and expert analysis, the documentary explores Columbo's rise to power, his impact on organised crime, and the consequences of his public defiance within the criminal underworld.

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#godfather #realcrime #mafia

All Comments (21)
  • @nagone11
    This is one of my favorite mob documentaries, very well done. One thing these mafiosi were very serious about was being low profile and out of the public eye.
  • @rudykadous4005
    35k a year back in the 60s was equivalent to 370k a year now...he could definitely afford tailored suits, cars, and a nice big house
  • @jimmungai1938
    Is the old saying goes you live by the sword you die by the sword?
  • @msaintpc
    I was there. At 18 I marched in Selma. Proud to say I was a part of it.
  • I worked as a delivery boy for a Madison Ave, dress shop and walked right by there moments before it happened. I had a delivery to make to a famous person on the West Side. I didn't know anything about what was going on and I asked some Italians and they told me. As I walked past the crowd, I heard what sounded like firecrackers going off but kept on going because I thought that's what they were. I did not find out until I listened to the radio at night when I got back to the apartment I was living in. Nearly a year later I enlisted into the Marines and never heard anymore about it.
  • @CharlieStanley_1
    I'm 47yrs old. $73,000 biweekly and I'm retired, this channel have inspired me greatly in many ways!!!!
  • @lucetothebridge
    Mafia in the end of the day each of them singing as cute as Morning Birds. But still Carlo Gambino was exceptional, very smart & calm. John Gotti? the dumbest ever.
  • @sammysam2615
    Colombo was not the youngest boss. Joe Bonanno was 26 when he became boss, Colombo was 41
  • @SoulShyt
    Hopefully, someday, we’ll get to watch an original Mafia show. They’re all the same and it’s always the same mafia members.
  • @dodatable
    I love this stuff, thanks for the show!
  • @gaylegoodman9097
    No matter what your position is in the Mafia, EVERYONE could be targeted
  • Breaking the Mafia Code: Columbo's pursuit of fame and publicity broke mafia protocols and incensed the old guard, leading to tensions with traditional mob bosses
  • @aolcom-nl9qb
    I think Carlos Gambino was the major boss that called in Joes hit.
  • @blackc757
    Carmine persico is the one that pursued the rub out of Joe gallo.. They were at war and there's no way he would have let percico sit comfortably as boss Joe bonanno was the youngest godfather not joe Colombo.. second he was taken out by other bosses but blamed crazy joe Gallo because it looks bad if a boss takes out another boss.. Also blaming joe gallo so it doesn't start a war between the families..