The Story of the Humidifier Chord (and how to use it)

Published 2024-04-03
A true story about my association with a specific jazz chord.

All Comments (14)
  • @alans98989
    Seems pretty closely related to Scriabin's Prometheus Chord, except he would've normally omitted the 5th.
  • @stephenweigel
    I’m using this chord in an octatonic song my band is playing!
  • @esterhammerfic
    Good video, and I like the storytelling element. Keep it up!
  • @bonerici
    suprisingly sweet chord for something full of so many dissonances i assume it's because the conflicts are always nearly an octave apart
  • @george0t
    Swap the B with a Bb and you get a pretty common/standard voicing of an Ab13(#11) used in Jazz.
  • @MarkBonneaux
    Interesting 🤔 It sounds discordant and yet stable at the same time, weird!
  • @seanonel
    B° triad 1st inversion over C6 1st inversion
  • @LxE9799
    If you add an A note to make it a chord that's made of an entire Ab half step-whole step scale, how would you notate that? Is it possible to have a flat 9th and a sharp 9th on the same chord, naming wise? Maybe as a flat 16th, I guess?
  • @ordjk4797
    I thought the video and voice were made by AI, but it’s not the case