Road Rage Driver Attempts to Block Cyclist

Published 2019-05-30
Drivers always want you "off the road" - unless that actually benefits you! Not caught by the camera was the driver raging/gesticulating wildly and yelling something (windows were up) which would indicate this was a deliberate attempt at intimidating me to stop my pass. This road is commonly backed up more than this, so they should have been happy!

In the state of Maine, it is legal for a cyclist to pass on the right, at their own judgement/risk.

All Comments (21)
  • @davemartin6319
    I feel sorry for anyone who feels the necessity to do this - they must have a sad life.
  • @bigring6424
    Driver all want you out of the lane and on the side... unless you're passing them, then they want you in the lane and waiting behind them?
  • There's some really horrible individuals out there, and the sad thing is getting worse.
  • People that use their vehicle for the purpose of blocking and endangering others should lose their licence.
  • @rogerfrancis65
    I get the same in my motorcycle sometimes, they don't believe filtering is 100%legal
  • @getplaning
    I knock on the side of their vehicle when they do that. They aren't expecting it and move back quickly.
  • @grahamreeve5209
    I've got a mate drives a Range Rover and he's not an A hole. Just thought I'd mention it as I think it must be quite rare.
  • @Loosehead
    Surprised he still has a wing mirror.
  • @k-rj740
    Hey, nice quality of the bell ringing there. Is it the Spurcycle bell?
  • As a driver, I have no idea where the overwhelming concern for what cyclists are doing comes from. You're surrounded by people in steel cages who are only worried about themselves and will absolutely put your safety at risk for their own convenience, a cyclist is literally the very least of your problems.
  • Should have took the wing mirror off for him he obviously doesn't use it 😂
  • @trucker-zv4nh
    I hold my hands up an say I might have done that sort of move when I was in my teens.
  • @funkyjunkyjai
    I'd have happily held my line and then scratched their paintwork as they edge closer 😆
  • @alexzingo6952
    His ego got big damage when one bike passes him. Byäää! 😱