Nothing But Trouble is a Very Weird Movie

Published 2022-08-26

All Comments (21)
  • Hey everybody! Hope you are doing great and life is treating you well. Thanks for watching the newest video. Here in a few weeks I’ve got a fun franchise video coming along that I hope you will enjoy. I am also deep at work on this year’s Halloween special. I think it will end up being one of the best things I’ve ever worked on, and might be my new favorite personal project of mine. It is weird, and a little different but I really can’t wait to share it with you. It is a deep dive into a local horror urban legend from where I grew up, and is an extremely bizarre story and all of it really happened. I am buzzing with excitement waking up to work on it each day which I think is a great sign. Until then, have a great fall, and thanks again for everything.
  • @VillagIdiot
    I loved this movie as a kid, and still love it to this day. Screw the critics.
  • I feel like Dan Ackroyd would be a goldmine for comic books. The original idea for Ghostbusters alone would be enough.
  • @whtyc
    Saw this film at a sleepover and perhaps they hadn’t realized it’s target demo should’ve been 9yro girls in pjs. We absolutely loved it. I laughed so hard I literally had tears streaming down my face. It’s awesomely bonkers
  • John Candy was so great in pretty much everything he did. He never seemed to be out of his element no matter the style of production. He really was one of the great ones.
  • I love that you did such a respectful, reverential deep dive into this deeply strange, hugely underrated film! I hope this makes its way to Dan Aykroyd and that he realizes just how many of us are glad he used his biggest opportunity in Hollywood to make something so unsettling and unique. And MAN do I wish there was a longer R-rated cut, if only because I'd love to spend some more time in, well, no...watching rich yuppies get tortured in...Valkenvania!
  • @CallNeg151
    I was a member of the test screening audience for Valkavania. I was one of the few people that liked it. In its original form, a lot of what was good about it was the fact that just when you couldn't imagine things could get any worse or more absurd, the film would deliver something beyond anything you could anticipate. The reveal of Mister Bonestripper was one of those.
  • As odd as Dan can be sometimes I have to admit him being really passionate about the things he loves like for excample ghosts, spiritualism, and/or really endearing and I love that he totally owns it like the king he is. This movie is very much a Tales From The Crypt movie even though it isn't one.
  • Dan Aykroyd and John Candy are gold and will forever have a place in my heart. I'll die on this hill.
  • I used to watch this with my grandmother as a child and always laughed and enjoyed it. I never knew or realized people didn't enjoy this film. Shame.
  • If you like weird and watch this movie with no expectations, I think you would find it interesting. I watch this as a kid and I liked it, and remember it fondly.
  • @Gabreya
    This is a thought-provoking and great video. "Nothing But Trouble" is a CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED film.
  • @jello4835
    The best way I can describe this movie is that it's like something you watched on cable as a child for a few minutes and never found out what it was but this vague impression of one or two nonsensical scenes got burned into your brain forever so you finally try and figure out what it was to prove that you didn't hallucinate the whole thing but "death coaster" and "old man judge" don't turn up anything so you decide it was just a weird dream after all
  • @dustincarl200
    Born 1984. This movie goes right along side Never ending story, The Labyrinth, Monster Squad, The Goonies, Ghost Busters, Cone heads, etc... although this left a very different feeling that no other movie had ever left. A feeling of the darkness that would later reveal its ugly face when I became an adult and had to face the world of economics, and government. The movie is now a reflection of my childhood, and things I would later come to see. The death traps even look fun to ride. The toys, and the bones mix themselves together in an underlying truth to how you see the world when your little and how it actually is, and what’s really going on. The darkness under government, politics, and the entire global economy’s belly. Dan Aykroyd is a true genius, and artist. This movie is somehow fun, and unsettling all at the same time. It’s like a fun birthday party with the presence of a demon in the room. Movies like this, and the cable guy etc... great movies with bad ratings are only being judged by their numbers anyhow. If they could had made the exact same film with a much lower budget, and released it on a better date? Would the critics had a different opinion of the movie? Same budget but made 100million? Dry land is not a myth, I’ve seen it!!!
  • @shaddonon
    You got me smiling thinking about Dan Aykroyd seeing Beetlejuice for the first time. Fascinated by the occult since childhood with his scholarly grandfather—then here comes this comedy-horror movie with chalk doors and complex summoning rituals and Saturn worms—he must have had the BIGGEST smile on his face the whole time ❤️
  • The "professional" critics' response to this movie encapsulates why I don't give even a single crap what they think about movies. I really liked it. It's "weird," and I like that very much.
  • The premise of a Horror Comedy wasn't really established without it being goofy. But what it was was unsettling and unusual. Just watching all these actors with solid scripts performing together was amazing. I love this movie, its too bad the world didn't.
  • @Rupiee
    It hadn't occured to me that "see no evil, hear no evil" was not fondly remembered. I absolutely love that film!
    I watched this movie so many times as a kid. It was creepy, had comedy, had Humpty Hump and 2Pac. This movie is a classic!
  • @megwilcox2878
    I'm pretty sure I first saw this movie on a Saturday afternoon on TV. I thought it was terrible, and hilarious, and truly scary and bizarre. I loved seeing beloved actors like Ackroyd and Candy playing really evil characters, and the whole production was so intricate and crazy. Loved it.