Addressing Racial Challenges At Work for Black Men

Published 2024-04-16

"Black men in the corporate world face varying levels of racial challenges, and it is important to address these issues head-on."
In this episode, Jewel Love discusses the challenges faced by black men in the corporate world and provides guidance on how to address racial issues during the job interview process. He emphasizes the importance of asking specific questions about race and racism to determine if a potential employer is supportive and inclusive. 
Key Takeaways:

During job interviews, black men can ask specific questions about race and racism to gauge the racial climate of an organization.

Asking about incidents of racism, anti-black experiences, training on combating racism, mentorship programs, and how racial conflicts are handled can provide valuable insights.

It is crucial to find a workplace that is supportive and inclusive, and asking these questions can help black men make informed decisions about their career paths.

If the answers received during the interview are not satisfactory, it may be an indication that the organization is not the right fit.

If you are ready to take it to the next level, contact us today for a free consultation at 
Let's connect on LinkedIn:  Black Executive Men

All Comments (2)
  • @johnpurdiman125
    I love your podcast! For a mid level manager like myself this keeps me inspired to make it to the C-Level