In-home Independent Living Hacks for the Visually Impaired

Published 2020-07-18
Just a few hacks I use at home to make my life easier as a person with low vision! Don't forget to subscribe for more insight into life with vision impairment and to learn how you can be more inclusive!

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Music (YouTube Audio Library)
Kick the Can

All Comments (21)
  • I'm slowly becoming blind and it's interesting to see that I've been already intuitively following every tip you expressed in this video, I feel less alone!
  • I am visually impaired 58 year old adult with limited vision and I use a white cane.I live at home helping my senior mom,niece,disabled nephew and we have 2 spayed female therapy cats.I am as independent as I can be while living at home,I get help from the cnib and once in a while I get some help from my family,I take the buses and lrt train and now I registered with dats for medical appointments,I have secondary or rebound cataracts in both eyes which makes it harder to do things tgat I enjoy doing,I enjoy reading,adult coloring,fill in crossword puzzles,listening to my favorite music,etc.I do get eye fatigue and headaches so I rest my eyes a lot.I still love my life and I try to keep busy and learning new things etc. I love and enjoy watching your videos
  • @shawnk7243
    As the father of a visually impaired child, I cannot thank you enough for this video. I am learning how I can do better for her and you have helped me with that, thank you so very much!
  • Well Well well and how do you know that after years and years of denial, right at the edge of my final years above earth, I'm doing in my home exactly the same things as you do in yours. The reason why I am here in the first place is, that I really can't find anything, from my glasses (I usually buy 2 pairs in case I loose one) to my chargers and almost everything in between. And today I succumbed to the idea that as well as adapting my place to old age, my daughter finally convinced me to go a little further and also adapt it for my obvious "other issues" (I'm not prepared yet to call myself handicapped). Maybe in a few years when I really can't fake it anymore. My solution for the glasses and most important chargers are Air Tags because I use Apple products. I really didn't want to buy them because they are expensive and according to myself a bit to nerdy but now they are becoming increasingly indispensable. Another solution for falling pills is just to leave them and hope that the vacuum cleaner takes them next time. It's hopeless to even try to find them. Sometimes I do truly archeological finds in that respect. Falling things are a nightmare. It takes me ages to find them and it's not so easy anymore to crawl on all four as it used to be. Anyways, thank you for this video and I hope to see you again soon.
  • I am also partually sighted with limited vision and I use a white cane with a roller ball tip.I live at home with my family and 2 female spayed therapy cats. I get help from my family and the cnib foundation and my friends and a o&m specialist.I have some appliences marked and I am in the process of getting my freedom and indepence back after four months of having to rely on my mom,niece and a friend or two to help me to get to my eye appointments and a recent cataract operation on my right eye in early september of this year. I can cook and bake my meals and desserts that are diabetic friendly meals etc with the help from my mom. I love and enjoyed watching your video on how to live independently and I can't live in clutter and I know where everything is inside the house.Nothing on the floors or stairs and everything is put in it's proper place. It is the buses. and the bus routes and bus numbers that I have problems with because the city of edmonton changed everything and I am unsure or nervous about taking the buses in my city
  • @GeeklingNo1
    Something my dad does that I will probably do is get a silicone mat or some sort of grippy surface in a solid color and use that as a surface for pills or placing items that might disappear in busy backgrounds. He uses it daily for medications and im going to use mine for when I put down something small and lose it. I lost a spice packet yesterday because my counter was too busy
  • @lorylopez9864
    Hi my name is Lory. I’m not completely blind I can see Perry much what you can but I gotta say your video was totally describing me! The pill thing is the worst bcs sometimes I don’t realize I dropped a pill until my grandaugjters tell me. Luckily the pets haven’t eaten it.Bcsi take pre and post transplant meds. Anyway I loved your video.God Bless you🙏
  • @RandyMoe
    I am losing vjslon and did not glasses glasses until 7. Now I need to fix my mess. Thank you
  • @coolpix807
    Glad you talked about those things. I need things to be where I will just know they are. You probably know this now, but if not, you can now use your iPhone or tablet as your camera when you join online events.
  • @ChaLaRobinson
    I'm at work and truly surky this helped a ton! It's like a while different world and I really am starting to love it more working with her. Thanks so much GodBless!
  • @theluckydogco
    Nice video = Vision Impaired since 2011 - RP - I stopped using glass cups of any kind - I only use disposable cups. cost a bit but I never break cups anymore, its safer, and less dish washing.
  • @cherbrowne1637
    I'm recently visually impaired and it's so nice to meet fellow VIPS. I am learning so much from then. Thank you 🙋
  • @MegaBpop
    Great idea with the clear mugs m. Thank You. Take care!
  • @dinkubekele3616
    wow! I admire you. I have never thought of American blind people to be active like you. however, I am legal blind myself.
  • I'm partially sighted (low vision) and I agree on the busyness background is a nightmare to see anything! I also need to have things particular set-up order. I also rent(ed) apartments and some have busy counters. There are those temporarily wall/counter top paper that can cover the busyness that helped! I also lay out a solid board or thin cutting board/mat on the counter in specific area to contrast things. I cannot see clear/transparent cups either, I own transparent glasses but has design on them so I can see whats being poured.
    Happy to see you. I am from India kerala. I also struggling with high myopia. Short sight. My eye power is -18.... 6 years before i surgerird my eyes. Now i can se near things very clearly....
  • @XO.Girl007
    Hello I lost sight in one eye in 2019 and have poor vision in other eye it has been a challenge to say the least I'm trying to set my house up better so I know where most rings are thank you for this!
  • Coming from another legally blind, this video helps me realise that it is possible to live on my own.
  • @craigjoseph1684
    just got the word from eye doc last week i am legally blind, (stargardts disease) thank you for this video.
  • @Marcel-dx5hl
    If I drop something on the floor, I an using my flashlight to help me finding it; it works with objects that has thickness, like a pill, a blueberry, etc. , by looking at its high-contrast shadow on the floor that is created by my light source. If the object is a transparent sheet of plastic on the floor, I am trying to find that sheet by its bright reflection of my light.