FENTANYL POISONING: Dr. Karen Jackson's Story

Published 2022-12-08
A story of one sister's loss to fentanyl poisoning, recorded during the DEA Family Summit on Opioid Overdose and Fentanyl Poisoning.

Naloxone, the active ingredient in 4mg Narcan and higher dose 8mg Kloxxado, along with many generic versions, can reverse an opioid overdose if administered quickly enough. Some areas have Naloxone available for free. Google it.

To use this or any other Texas Pictures documentary at high schools or in other educational applications, contact Texas Pictures through our website at www.texas-pictures.com.

If you have a story you'd like to share, learn more about the process and reach out to us at our website - www.texas-pictures.com/Share.html

In the U.S., you can easily access 24/7 emotional support. Call or text 988 or visit 988lifeline.org/chat to connect with a caring counselor.

Learn more about the dangers of illicit fentanyl at:

DEA - www.dea.gov/fentanylawareness
CDC - www.cdc.gov/stopoverdose/fentanyl/index.html
Fentanyl Fathers - fentanylfathers.org/
A Change for Cam - achangeforcam.org/

All Comments (21)
  • @_A4A
    This hits so close to home for me. I was addicted to both Meth & Alcohol for years and absolutely no one knew about it, not my closest siblings nor my very bestfriend because I was a functioning addict and still went to work, paid my bills and kept up my appearance and hid it very well. During the Pandemic in late 2020 I was high on both drugs and saw my reflection in the mirror. I have looked in the mirror thousands of times in my lifetime but this time it was different. I saw what little innocence that I had left in my eyes fading away. I saw my life slipping away from me and I literally sobered up that day. I would drink Nyquil to make myself sleep through the withdrawals and as days turned into weeks I was able to quit all on my own and stay that way. What saddens me, is that to this day I have yet to tell anyone about my dark secret but here I am sharing it publically, only because I know that it's anonymous because I'm too ashamed to be seen as a drug addict and that's what I'll always be is a recovering addict for the rest of my life!... It's videos like this, that keep me grounded and focused on staying sober and to not let the spark in my eyes disappear like a whisper in the night!.... Thank you for reading my comment, it actually made me feel so much better, so thank you again, I'm truly grateful!... 🕊
  • @Dani-fc1hc
    This woman is amazing and was able to speak about her sister without taking her dignity, all while holding her accountable.
  • @lindawhite5006
  • @ChicaCoco598
    This story touched me and hit home because I too, am addicted to opioids/fentanyl. It’s hard. The withdrawals that you get from not having it. I wouldn’t wish this on my worse enemies. Can you all pray for me? Lord knows that I’m tired. Physically, mentally and emotionally. I’m not the same person that I use to be😢
  • This woman should be the spokesperson for drug issues! Eloquent and compassionate....so well spoken and really hits you in your heart!
  • Two years sober from Opiates/ Heroine. God bless everyone still in their addiction. Praying for all y'all
  • @MaggieD0123
    The feeling when you know you’ve already lost someone you love, but they aren’t gone yet, is one of the worst feelings a person can have.
  • @bkreed27
    My God, she went to grief counciling 6 months before her sister even died. That's so powerful. Much respect for this kind soul.
  • @ronlanter6906
    Former crack and meth addict here. By the grace of God, been clean since 2010, before that, 10 years of addiction, residential rehabs, living on the streets, being out at 3am to re-up so the night wouldn't end - it was a living nightmare. So thankful to be clean and drug free. All glory to God! ✝✝✝
  • This is the most eloquent and realistic description I've ever heard of what it's like to have an addict in one's family. Sending condolences on the loss of your dear sister.
  • @BarbHayes-zn7fi
    I had surgery for a torn meniscus at 62. The Dr prescribed 90 oxy pills! I didn't even fill the prescription. I took Aleve for a few days and was fine. Now I THANK GOD I didn't fill that prescription! It was Almighty God!! It wasn't a bad surgery, what's wrong with these doctors? Reading these stories makes me thankful for God's divine intervention 🙏
  • @bethlouden971
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I think every family in America has been touched by addiction. Mine has and I personally have after being treated for a bad tooth. That was 20 years ago and have been clean for 10 years. But it cost me my career as an RN, a career I'd dreamed of since I was little. One I had work so hard for. Eventually I lost my marriage of 31 years. 20 years ago there wasn't Suboxone and addiction was looked at way more negatively than it is now. I didn't know how or where to get help. There is not a day goes by that my heart doesn't ache for the things I lost. Thank you for your story and hope you find peace and healing
  • I overdosed on fake blues, (Roxy 30’s made of fentanyl and pressed) Luckily I was in public, and passed out in a gas station. I’m still struggling, and even used as soon as I got out of the hospital. It is not easy, it is very very hard. I’ve been sober 3 days today, just hoping it sticks this time. Thank you for sharing that addiction does not discriminate. 12/15/22 Still sober. Today makes day 5. I’m at the VA now taking my first dose of Suboxone. I know there are mixed feelings on it, but I need it. I’m not ashamed to admit I’m weak when it comes to this. Thank you everyone again. thank you. I needed to hear this. Again. But getting all this love and support from strangers is a huge help! I’ve got people around me that are a lot of help. But I hear this from them all the time, and it goes in one ear and out the other. But hearing it from y’all is such a huge help!
  • "Everybody's blaming everybody, but no one's blaming Karen": that is the statement that really hit me. Accountability is truth, and truth is freedom. So sorry for Karen's sister. She had to be very vulnerable for this interview. She's a beautiful person.
  • When she said she lost her 6 months prior to her passing, that was so real and heartbreaking. To see the person you love and know that they're just not there anymore is extremely painful to witness.
  • @michelleg5529
    I was addicted to Vicodin years ago, for several years. The only thing that worked was methadone with very little in OJ in the morning for 5 days. I had zero withdrawals and was amazed. The mind has to want to really quit, it's so hard. I lost my husband at 33 from opiates, but he helped me be done with it. Today is his birthday. Happy Heavenly Birthday love.
  • @Nicole-dd6bm
    My husband overdosed August 5th on fetynal 😢 I am so torn and lost! My grief is unbearable, My heart goes out to your family 🙏🏽❤️‍🩹
  • @dabama5880
    I love the fact she held her accountable and didn’t blame others
  • Beautiful wife , 4 great kids, brand new home and a great job in every respect. You’ve heard it before. I went to the doctor to finally treat my migraines. 40 ish at the time. Vicodin to heroin. One day I shot up in my hip. I hit something that was spurting blood across the room. My concern wasn’t bleeding to death. It was “ there goes my good dope”. That is the power it had over me. Recovered. Still married. Still have family. But had to start over again at 50. Not complaining. In fact grateful that I survived. I never let my guard down. God bless you and may your sister rest peacefully.
  • @1sherba
    My 25 year old son passed away nearly 6 years ago from an accidental overdose. He was a gifted and brilliant artist and human. It happens in all types of homes. I miss him every single day 💔. I hate drugs so much.