Suicide Squad Is Incredibly Disappointing

Published 2024-02-11

All Comments (21)
  • @_MANDOWN_
    I find it hilarious that Harley Quinn is given the moral high ground when she’s lecturing Batman like she isn’t responsible for the deaths of thousands including children.
  • @JudgementNutter
    Call me a shill or a Rocksteady Stan, but I would've paid $100 for a Batman Beyond Arkham game. A map this big and varied with Riddler stuff and races and just gliding around punching bad guys with future tech, doing team ups with Ace the Bat-hound, and Kevin Conroy doing Old Man Bruce one last time, passing the torch to Terry (and symbolically US the player, WE become the Batman)
  • I remember my coworker talking to me about this, and I just stared at him with a blank face when he said “They gave Captain Boomerang guns”
  • @schinjammer1959
    playing this game just seems like it would be sensory exhausting. all those explosions and moving around. my thumbs hurt just from watching the traversal too. thank you for putting in the hours so I didn't have to.
  • @kboi1170
    26:20 You’re still factually wrong though. WW is the ONLY member of the JL who doesn’t have a “no killing” rule. The idea of the Squad treating her death any better than another member of the League is literally moronic because she’s the only one of them that actually WOULD murk one of the Squad without hesitation. The fact that the game implies Harley was with Ivy means that Harley’s at the point in her life where she’s realized that Joker was abusive so she not only doesn’t give a sh** about him anymore, but actively hates him. Also, Captain Boomerang is actually one of the few villains who has a code of honor, he’s literally never wanted to kill the Flash, he sees him as more of an inconvenience not “I hate this man so want to piss on his corpse”. This game doesn’t just disrespect the antagonists who died, it spits on the lore of the main characters themselves.
  • @Alex-hm7nt
    So much potential with this idea. It doesnt help that if you dont follow Rocksteady closely (or gaming news in general), the key employees left the company. I honestly didnt know this until a few days ago
  • @AsterothRayet
    Everything about this game made me want to admit myself to a hospital for life support. Where the game lost me wish when BATMAN leaves his Justice League killing devices just laying around. This man had contingency plans for every single member going rouge, and the fact he'd just leave them behind, vulnerable is insane. And Harley has the audacity to try and dress him down at the end. Killing Arkham Batman was also such a spit in the face... Also they show Flash capable of literally pulling "you dont even know you're dead yet" on Lex, but the squad gets to run him around ? I get this game doesnt exist if they cant put up a fight, but the narrative dissonance is crazy.
  • @cormoran2303
    I wasn't disappointed, I knew it would be terrible the moment the 'live service' curse was uttered. All the other stuff makes it's inevitable failure much funnier, though!
  • @Smok3yR1der
    Making a live service game in 2024 is like making a br in 2020
  • @TheAdarkerglow
    No, people aren't angry that you 'Kill the Justice League', it's the obvious disrespect and lack of knowledge about the characters. Boomerang? In most comic iterations past the silver age, Boomerang does not hate The Flash, nor does he want to kill him. Transparently, the only Justice League member shown respect, able to avoid being controlled, was Wonder Woman, where the Squad ignores both Waller and their own safety to offer her aid, then share a mournful moment. But when The Flash saved their life twice, they delighted in his suffering. You can say, "but they're bad guys, they're supposed to be bad people", but it's odd that they become normal, compassionate people and don't snark off when a strong woman is present, but Green Lantern gets stripped to his undies, Flash gets pissed on, and Superman barely gets a remark. Hell, even Lex's data entries talk about Wonder Woman like he's in awe of her, while we get some passive-aggressive racism when he remarks on Jon Stewart. Just look at it for what it is. Bad writers.
  • @mrfoofoo69
    I honestly can’t understand why this isn’t a f2p game … a lot of the hate would be forgivable if it weren’t a full priced AAA game trying to justify the new 70$ price tag
  • @Doc-Glock
    Suicide Squad really feels like it embodies some of the worst ideas and trends of current gaming (and media, in general). It's not really a surprise that the final result is below average and not given a chance by people. I'm not touching this, if only because no part of the gameplay is compelling enough to stick with for hours, which is the biggest problem for a live-service game. And for all of the "it's not that bad" people have said in the Suicide Squad's defense, I think many of the people who reflexively do that are missing the context of what this game is. No, it's not "THE Worst". But it IS a $70 live-service game with a rocky launch, when there are more appealing options for less (Helldivers 2 just launched for $40 on Steam), that has underwhelmed since the first gameplay showing.
  • It’s so weird that we got two live service “Batman” games in the last year where the point is either killing the heroes or the hero “dying”. It would be so nice just to get a really good Arkham style Batman game in current gen.
  • @Jose-se9pu
    I legit don't know what they were thinking. I understand they spent 5 years and a lot of money, and it came a point where they couldnt back down, but what were they thinking when they came up with these ideas in the first place?
  • @Kammereer
    >You get to fight Batman again but he's blue It's incredible how on-point South Park was describing multiverses as an infinite pants and shirts combinations
  • @chromasus9983
    The look of all the menus reminds me of those bad mobile games designed to trick you. There are so many currencies, so many different colours everywhere that it has very little cohesion anywhere to be found.
  • @Kwality62
    I've played games my entire life since I was a kid, this is the first game i've ever seen where some of the gameplay on youtube genuinely made me nauseous looking at is, its genuinely that unpleasant to watch, I can't imagine ever playing it.
  • @magesight3833
    im honestly baised as i generally hate the idea of suicide squad and the modern version of harly quinn... I'm not the biggest super hero fan in general but do prefer DC. that being said when I saw this was going to be a looter shooter and saw the early gameplay last year I knew it was going to be bad.. this developer makes great games it is very disappointing.
  • @skaetur1
    Even if it was free to play, it would be mid.